Satanic Temple Threatens To Sue Netflix

Lucien Greaves, cofounder and spokesperson for The Satanic Temple, a collective of left-wing atheist who identify as Satanist to resist christianity, is taking legal action regarding the new Netflix show “The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina” for what Greaves claims in a tweet is copyright infringement.

Greaves followed that up with several tweets, defending The Satanic Temple’s position.

Greaves is referring to the statue of Satan, which sits in the fictional main hall of the school the lead character, Sabrina, attends. Greaves claims it is an exact copy of their deity, Baphomet. Of coarse this is like a christian church claiming that a TV show violated copyright because a picture of Jesus on the show looks too much like their own idea of what Jesus looked like.

Keep in mind that the Satanic Temple’s statue was made in the exact likeness of an etching by Elphas Levi in the 19th century. This image has been public domain for over two centuries. It can’t be copyrighted any more than one can claim copyright of the Statue Of Liberty. See the images below and compare for yourself. If the Netflix show ripped off the Satanic Temple, then the Satanic Temple ripped off Levi… it’s that simple.

left: 19th century etching by Levy – Right: TST baphomet statue.
The statue from The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina

Speaking with SF Gate, Greaves says The Satanic Temple isn’t doing this for money, no way it’s all about optics… Of coarse that was while they are suing for $150,000,000 (That’s right, you count those zeroes) claiming the show “hurt them” and has hurt their poo widdle business.

“I want them to take it out! It looks like it’s a CGI facsimile to begin with. I don’t know how much work that takes, but I simply refuse to have our monument used in this way in perpetuity. I don’t want our monument to be associated with this.”

Yes, this guy is serious. He and his group literally created a statue for the express purpose of placing it in public spaces to offend people and say “We can put this anywhere we want because… first amendment” is now demanding that another group remove their own statue from a public space because they are offended, free speech be damned.

“It’s distressing on the grounds that you have to worry about that association being made where people will see your monument and not know which preceded the other and thinking that you arbitrarily decided to go with the Sabrina design for your Baphomet monument, which rather cheapens our central icon.”

Honestly this demonstrates just how much of a bunch of LARPiers the Satanic Temple is. A group of social rejects who pretend to be satanist by dressing and acting as evil as they can, while claiming to be total pacifist who are all about peace, love, kindness and all around good fee fees and they are worried people will think they are ripping off a show for former Twilight fans? I don’t think so. They are in this for the legendary cash grab because honestly they have bigger issues with their optics…..

“…which rather cheapens our central icon.” Having followers in Halloween store costumes and corpse paint already did that.
Who put Carl in charge of making our banners? Dammit Carl!