About Us, The Unapologetic Pagan

We are Pagans. The Unapologetic Pagan was created to provide a push back against the political ideologies that have appropriated Pagan religions to push their agendas. We are people who are tired of being told that we aren’t Pagans if we don’t support Democrat politicians and policies. That identifying as Pagans means we must accept identity politics. That we can’t be environmentally conscious unless we blindly believe environmental policy created by political activist in lab coats.
We believe it’s OK to have names for our deities. Those who came before us knew who their Gods and Goddess were, they had names for them. Otherwise there would be no Pagan Gods to worship in the first place.

We believe it’s OK to truly worship our Gods. The Pagans of old were devout and they worshiped their Gods wholeheartedly. Monuments and holy temples like Stonehenge, Luxor and the Temple of Zeus were not built because Pagans were “Spiritual”.

We believe it’s OK to not accept Unitarian universalism as a legitimate religion. No, not all paths lead to the same destination. No, not all faiths are valid. (i.e. genocidal faiths that value women as property or children as sex objects) Contrary to wishful thinking, Unitarianism is a relatively new concept outside Paganism.

We believe it’s OK to have fundamentalist beliefs. Contrary to popular notion, one can believe that their faith is “The One True Faith” and not require the conversion of others. One can hold another’s faith in complete contempt and still stand in their places of worship and not interfere with their rituals. (For example: Wicca is more moral and “Godly” than Islam, but Wiccans are not seeking to prevent Islamist from practicing their religion or convert them.)

We believe it’s OK to stay true to natural gender identity, that there are only two genders where Women are born Women and Men are born Men. It’s not bigoted to believe gender, like race, is something we are born as, have no control over and one cannot change on a whim simply because one is not happy with themselves.

We believe it’s OK to not promote feminism as a positive ideology. Paganism is about equality and empowerment, feminism is about chauvinism and infantilization.

We believe it’s OK to be Pro-Life, that one can not proclaim to care about the sacredness of all life, while simultaneously devaluing life merely because it has not yet passed between labia.

We believe it’s OK to be parents and to raise our children in our religions and teach them about our Gods without having to “Let them decide for themselves”, for if we do not teach them about our faiths now, someone else surely will later… with malcontent.