Category Archives: Attack On Paganism

The Cultural Appropriation Of Halloween

It’s that time of year again. To most of us it’s the day we celebrate the end of the harvest, a new year, the turning of summer into winter, our ancestors and the dead. But for the last decade it has become more and more a time for anti-white racist to spread hate with one of their favorite tactics… crying about fake oppression at the horrors of Halloween costumes. It always starts with their favorite go-to accusation, Black Face, A practice that was never started, nor perpetuated, by whites, but instead by the jewish community in Hollywood. (A full video explaining the little taught history of Blackface in America can be found HERE But I don’t want to delve into that as it’s a whole topic in and of itself.) But now the outrage has swelled to engulf almost everything else possible.

A landslide of article ensued screaming outrage that little European Jane has no right to dress as her favorite Disney princess if said character happens to be any other ethnicity but white. BUT WAIT! It is now being written in the laws of social justice that if little European Jane dresses as a  white Disney princess, then she must face the full force of hatred because she’s promoting “White beauty” GASP! Damned if she does, damned if she don’t so sorry Jane, no Halloween for you.


And while you’re at it you may as well not even think about celebrating Cinco de Mayo, as told by Newsweek.  So if it isn’t her people’s holiday, she has no right to even partake in it.

But with all of this hullabaloo about stealing other’s culture and not being allowed to celebrate anything that is not your culture, why are these outrage harpies not only often dressing as white characters, but are celebrating what is literally a white ethnic holiday? What? Halloween is white culture? You better believe it.

It would again derail this whole article if I went into the history of Halloween, and nor should I have to waste my time doing so. Everyone older than 30 knows it always was, still is, and always will be, a Celtic and Anglo-Saxon celebration. All of its customs and rituals are the product of ethnic European culture going back thousands of years, predating the pyramids. Oh but “Muh white people don’t have any culture” Pfff, please.

Now before anyone tries claiming Halloween is in any way derived from the south American Día de Muertos just stop right there.  While their holiday may seem similar in their celebration of the dead, they moved THEIR holiday across the entire calendar from the Spring time to coincide with Halloween… which was by leftist terms, a holiday version of colonization.

So for so many all across America and Europe who rail day in and day out about cultural appropriation, and that European people have no right, nor should even dare, be involved in anyone else’s culture, they don’t waste a second’s time jumping right in and celebrate white holidays. Just look at St. Patrick’s day and how many millennial NPC’s will celebrate it and wear green even though they aren’t Irish. See HERE for a video exposing that debacle… but hold on! According to these white-hating racist that holiday shouldn’t be allowed to be celebrated because it is an ethnic white holiday.

So let’s just cut the sarcasm. The core goal is to erase our culture from our own societies and this nothing new, ESPECIALLY for Pagans. In the dark ages christianity would ban the practices of the Old religions as a means of eliminating them from the next generation by attacking those practices as “Satanic”. In today’s social justice culture they use a new word “Racist”. By shaming anyone who dared practice the Old ways and pushing social engineering on the youth by encouraging them to attack any who defy the new social order, the ruling class was able to easily change society to their new society. Today is no different.

Almost all ethnic groups in the world guard their culture and holidays as it is how they maintain their heritage and pride in their people, Whites are not only told they have no culture, they are not even allowed to celebrate their own holidays. And left-willing, those holidays will be banned. If you really want a multicultural society then you are either going to have to practice what you preach and let all children dress as whoever they want regardless of who’s culture it is, or admit that you just hate white people and seek to plunder their culture.

My final word on the matter is this-> Everyone needs to acknowledge we have our own cultures and we all have the right to have pride for our heritage. We don’t demand some non-white be fired from their job if they come to work dressed as Dracula(both a great European historical figure and literary mythical character) so we either continue to share our culture with everyone else without jealousy, or we keep getting shit on and decide that it’s time we start taking our culture back.  But for the Gods’ sakes, Just let the kids be kids and have their fun.

The Orcale of LA does not speak for all Pagans

This “Oracle of LA” is just a Cultural Marxist putting on the guise of Paganism. In fact the act of Binding the President and attempting to use craft on him is a direct violation of almost all Pagan groups. As may stick to the Harm None principle.

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When Did Paganism Become A Weapon Of The Left?

I was recently watching Tucker Carlson while he was covering Kamaul Bell’s (host at CNN) speech at Berkeley last weekend, where Kamaul said in a speech that he praised antifa, blm, black bloc, black people, people of color, unitarian universalists, lgbt’s, a long list of other groups (none of them white, unless they were in favor of anti-whiteness), and he then grouped in Pagans. At that section of the speech, I had to ask myself “At what point did Pagans become a weapon of the left? “, and although it can be traced back as far a Gardner, and the BTW movement, I had to take a sharper optic at Oberon and Morning Glory Zell, who coined the phrase “polyamory”, and all that polyamory stood for.

I was trained Gardnerian, and was (for lack of a better word) forced into a vaster open mind. Even though I grew up in San Francisco, and thought my brain would fall out if were to open any further, there were both the lack of doctrines, and yet an unsaid doctrine that “if your mind was not more open, you would be rejected” from neo-paganism, and Wicca. No problem, I thought. I was a bit traditional albeit, my strong calling to the Craft was unrelenting. I was staunchly monogamous, was not too fond of modern day feminism, (but, still wanting equal pay and equal rights without being a femi-nazi) believed in tradition marriage, child rearing, and the feminine arts and virtues were deeply ingrained in my being.

Ok, so a conservative yet open minded Wiccan was born. I took the challenge, and did it. I joined COG, and went through their rigmarole (which did not vibe with me. I felt I was in psychofuckingtherapy), and further expanded my cognition, I went to the Zell’s famous Halloween parties, and found my jaw hitting the floor, more than any other expression, and well, let’s just say, it was not the lifestyle for me. I had a couple that wanted me to become the “3rd” in their relationship from another BTW coven, and while initially, I guess I could call it interesting, it only lasted a minute.

And although, BTW’s were to perform all rituals skyclad, and I had a rockin’ hot body, I was not a big fan of sharing it with anyone that I was not in a monogamous relationship with. *sigh* So, really, in the end, I just felt that I did not fit in. I was a Witch, deep down in my heart and soul but, there was not a place for a conservative witch. Nowhere that I could espouse my shock and awe at the the Zell’s “Addam’s Family Reunions, no one I could talk to about my discomfort at the lack of conservatism, and modesty, and I just felt a bit alone. So, I went alone, on with my Wiccan journey. It was several years later that I discovered that I really was not alone at all. I was a right leaning libertarian politically, and I happily found a scant few in a similar category.

But, that leads me to today, and the speech by Kamaul Bell, and the question of; “Just how in the hell did pagans go so wrong that they have been lumped in with antifa, and the rest of the extreme leftist commies?” smh

Gloucester witches are being persecuted, but there’s a deeper component.

The staff at Spellbound say they have received death threats

Toni Hunt center with Emily Parker left and Bobbi Jo-right

Witches who run an occult shop in the shadow of a famous Cathedral claim they are victims of a hate campaign and say the police are doing nothing about it.

“I have reported such incidents on numerous occasions but when the police arrive they tell me that people are just expressing opinions,” she said. If we were members any other religion or group it would be treated as hate crime and dealt with appropriately.”

By “Any other religion or group” she would be referring to the massive influx of Muslims into the UK who have been given special religious protections by authorities to the point that even discussing rapist who is a Muslim can land one in prison for a hate crime.

Toni Hunt and her staff at ‘Spellbound’ in College Green, Gloucester, say they have been called terrorists and devil worshippers and have received death threats. According to them no matter how many of these incidents they have reported, the police just blow it off because of their beliefs. While this is a real problem, there’s an underlying problem that shows how the Witch community made matters worse.

Ms. Hunt says they have been targeted for abuse for about two years, This is normal for any Witch shop, but she says things got worse in recent months when they received a threat to burn down the premises – with the staff still inside. This surge in hate and aggression towards the shop seems to coincide with the #BindTrump event four months ago where a group of liberals hijacked Wicca for a despicable public hexing of President Trump which was nothing but another method of public protest at the expense of the entire Pagan community. This single act set back Pagan public relations 30 years by vindicating the christian extremist’s claim that we are all evil devil worshippers of the Ult-left because it was a religious attack on a leader they view as a champion of their religion. And while most UK conservatives are not too concerned with Trump as a president, Christians all over the world were abuzz with the news that Witches were casting spells against a president and it was viewed as pure unadulterated persecution.


Ms. Hunt continues

“Persecution of witches did not end centuries ago – it is still very prominent in the 21st century and we are being subjected to it regularly. We have been called all sorts – Black Magic Badger Killers, Spawn of Satan and in the same league as ISIS.”

It should also be stated that part of the intent of #BindTrump was to also bind him from issuing military orders needed to protect the country. The only reason one would support this is because they sympathize with the enemy. So it is only a logical step that an association with ISIS would quickly form. While we fully agree what is happening to these women is wrong, we must not ignore that actions have consequences. In no way are we stating that these women had any involvement with #BindTrump, but this is no doubt a problem made worse by the narcissistic and selfish act of a vocal minority abusing Paganism for political gain.

Greek Goddess Statue Torn Down After Islamic Outcry

Bangladesh workers tore down a statue of the Greek Goddess Themis in the country’s Supreme Court complex to appease sharia law.

Muslims demanded that the statue of the goddess of justice be torn down by Friday, staying it “hurt the religious sentiments of Muslims.”

After mass protests during which protesters reportedly shouted “Douse the smouldering fire in the hearts of the Muslims or otherwise the fire will soon catch you,”

Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina agreed to remove the six-month-old statue. Workers subsequently got to work yesterday dismantling it.

Do we see any similarities here? A historic statue gets is erected and A-holes who are offended by it scream, cry, protest and threaten until the cucks in office give in and remove the statue in the dead of night as to be as quiet and discrete about it as possible hoping no one will notice. Just this month four confederate statues were removed in Louisiana in the same manner. Angry intolerant and ignorant groups find offense with historical art and demand they be torn down by throwing temper tantrums, and the weak government officials give them their way… and then they just move on to the next thing they find offensive and will not stop until they have banned and removed everything in the world that isn’t their own ideology.

The removal of the statue was seen as a victory for the Hefazat muslims, who have already stated their goal is to have all offending art removed from the entire country that represent humans and/or animals. They also demand all art classes in schools that allow students to draw people be banned.

The statue’s sculptor Mrinal Haque understandably saw the decision as a major loss. No doubt not just a loss to the art world, but to freedom in general. “This is an alarming signal for our country,” Haque said according to The New York Times, adding that it was a “defeat for the freedom-loving, secular people of the country. We all have to stand against this fundamentalist movement.”

 Chock this up to be just another example of why the Pagan community needs to smarten up and stop acting like Islam is an oppressed religion. Stop defending it, Stop pandering to it.

Asatru Folk Assembly banned from Facebook for believing in biological sex and race

Yesterday the Asatru Folk Assembly was wrongfully banned for “offensive behavior” on Facebook.  The AFA is one of the best known folkish Heathen groups in the U.S., which takes a traditional stance on Nordic paganism. They believe that Asatru, the modern revival of a magickal Heathenry, is the native spirituality of the Northern European people and one that norther Europeans should return to. And like almost every Pagan religion of old, they believe in biological gender.

But what was their crime? What was so bad that they needed to be silenced? Did they threaten anyone? Did they rape any women? Did they advocate genocide? Did they throw gays off of roofs? Did they promote the abuse of children? Were they associated with NAMBLA? Did they slash the tires on a black woman’s car and call her a “Coon”?

Nope, all that stuff was done by Islam and Antifa. The AFA’s crime was not being ashamed of their race or the genders they were born with.

That’s it. That’s all it takes in today’s world To be silenced, to be punished,  and with the direction legislation is going in the US, Canada and Europe… to be imprisoned.

It’s now a crime to believe gender is not a spectrum. The gender Spectrum theory was invented in only the last couple decades and is not based in any historical or paleolithic evidence. There’s just simply no evidence to prove that ancient Europeans believed gender wasn’t binary. People have a right to disagree with this all they want but when a group is punished simply for stating a fact, we have a serious problem.

And the hypocrisy of Facebook runs deep when just a few years ago the Pagan community tried to have Pages removed that were calling for the mass murder of witches and wiccans by an African Baptist Church. Facebook refused to remove the pages because the church was African and removing their pages or even flagging them for violence would have been an act of racism. Also Facebook has never removed a page or group belonging to blacklivesmatter despite them openly calling for white genocide and preaching that white people are not even human.

I remember when I used to think people who said “The only people it’s legal to oppress are straight white males” were just idiots. But seeing examples like this makes one have to question everything they were taught about “White supremacist”.

The definition of racism is disliking someone because of their biological ethnic heritage. Yet this group gets called racist not because they dislike other races, but because they don’t hate their own. This is because Marxist have worked hard for decades to brainwash the public to believe white people are evil, racist nazis and anyone who doesn’t agree with that… is a white supremacist. And this extends to even non-white people. 

Racist says “Magic is not for white people”

What happens when an Ult-left brown supremacist sees a white Wiccan at the mall? She runs to her twitter account and rips white people for appropriating magic, and that’s just what this non-white-nazi going by the name Sanam did.

This tweet is making headlines but not just because of the blatant bigotry and ignorance of native European culture with its varied and well embedded magical societies that existed long before they even saw any other races, but the responses from her fellow Ult-left racist were just as ignorant and bigoted.  A black supremacist bearing the name “Feminist Witch,” whose username is LOLatWhiteFear…

This? This is not what I dreamed about.

…She decides to give it to Sanam for emphasizing “brown” over “black”:

“So you felt the need to say brown first lol meanwhile all practices come from Africa. From black people. From my people.”

Who knew that every practice in the world came from Africa? Certainly not the Japanese, Iroquois, or the Celts, whose cultures arose simultaneously with any culture on the African continent.

The Mystery of why Stonehenge was built has been solved everyone

A self described bruja decided to jump on the oppression Olympics train as it was leaving the station and wrote she agreed with Sanam. She stated that watching her white friends mess around with Tarot cards made her uncomfortable.

“I need to be real with you. I have a few yt white friends who fuck with tarot and general witch things and it makes me UNCOMFORTABLE as a brujx.”

Oh you poor sad uneducated people. All of them keep using the word “Witch” and have no idea that THEY are the ones “culturally appropriating” it, as it is literally a word created by whites.

So while these racial supremacist ass hats do such a fabulous job of making everyone who is of a non-mainstream religion and a magical practitioner look like narcissistic SJW bigots, I feel that the public needs to know this Sanam person (I’m still not completely sold she’s a real woman) is less a magical practicing spiritualist, and more like Brown Hitler.

“I hate ze Caucasians… and ze Judens”

I’m not exaggerating. She really is a vile and loathsome person full of hate through and through, living in her own Ult-left echo chamber and enjoying her POC privilege to be racist and not be banned from Twitter for it. If you get the impression this is a slam piece, you’re absolutely right. No doubt the Ult-left will say I am trying to silence Sanam but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I want her voiced to never be silenced…. by her own hands in attempt to cover up the hate spewing from her finger tips. Let us begin.

Don’t you dare share facts with her… you’re a white demon so that makes them all lies.
Whites are sad people because they sunburn easily.
White people don’t research thing.
White girls are annoying because they drool
This just had to be done. You can’t rag on white people and say they all look old when you closely resemble an old white woman with failed plastic surgeries.
I don’t want any more white friends, I have too many.
I hate white women because their nipples are pink… and their tits are real.
White people are retarded
White people need to hire people based on skin color… and buy me food.
White trannies need to pay for my sex change and hormones.

This just goes on and on and on… and like all Ult-left, Sanam not only thinks all white people are racist but ONLY whites can be racist. She doesn’t hesitate to accuse other of it at the drop of a hat.

Who’s convinced they aren’t racist?

Sanam wants white people to leave their friends and family… and they are still scum in her eyes.

Your family is racist, dump ’em

Sanam even goes as far as to guilt white women into driving her to her abortions.

White women should bring me to get my abortions.

“But she isn’t deliberately planning abortions” you may argue… oh it gets better.

The sperm bank is open late tonight.

And after all this Sanam wonders why She’s not married…. and then tweets how useless men are.

Always a bride’s maid, never a bride.

So while this scourge of Twitter… and gender questioning males, gets tons of media attention as a “Witch” complaining about white people, she fails to demonstrate in all her endless anti-white rants any tangible hint of magic outside her rubbing a singing bowl to cleanse her twitter feed of “White demons”, let alone anything warranting Witchcraft.


In 1659 the Puritans banned Christmas in Massachusetts. But why?

“The Puritan Governor interrupting the Christmas Sports,” by Howard Pyle c. 1883

A short, easily-overlooked paragraph from an early law book of the Massachusetts Bay Colony reads as follows:

“For preventing disorders arising in several places within this jurisdiction, by reason of some still observing such festivals as were superstitiously kept in other countries, to the great dishonor of God and offence of others, it is therefore ordered by this Court and the authority thereof, that whosoever shall be found observing any such day as Christmas or the like, either by forbearing of labor, feasting, or any other way, upon such accountants as aforesaid, every person so offending shall pay of every such offence five shillings, as a fine to the county.”

Yes, you read that right. In 1659 the Puritan government of the Massachusetts Bay Colony actually banned Christmas. So how did one of the largest Christian holidays come to be  persecuted in the earliest days of New England?

Photo/Art by Public Domain: A 1659 public notice alerting congregants to the new holiday ordinance.

Christmas in  17th century England actually wasn’t so different from the holiday we celebrate today. It was one of the largest religious observances, full of traditions, feast days, revelry and cultural significance. But the puritans, a pious religious minority (who, after all, fled the persecution of the Anglican majority), felt that such celebrations were unnecessary and, more importantly, distracted from religious discipline. They also felt that due to the holiday’s loose pagan origins, celebrating it would constitute idolatry. A common sentiment among the leaders of the time was that such feast days detracted from their core beliefs: “They for whom all days are holy can have no holiday.”

This meant that Christmas wasn’t the only holiday on the chopping block. Easter and Whitsunday, other important historical celebrations, were also forbidden. Bans like these would continue through the 18th and 19th centuries (the US House of Representatives even convened on Christmas in 1802). As Puritanism started to fall out of favor, however, Christmas was almost universally accepted throughout the US by 1840, and was eventually declared a National Holiday in 1870.

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