Tag Archives: white

Scientists discover DNA proving original Native Americans were White


“This is a new population of Native Americans – the white Native American”

A new discovery of ancient DNA may overturn the idea that the Native Americans were the first to have populated the American continent. Instead, a new group known as the ancient Beringians, who are more closely related to modern white Europeans has been discovered by researchers. Genetic analysis of a baby girl who died at the end of the last ice age shows she belonged to this previously unknown ancient group of Beringians.

A baby girl who lived and died in what is now Alaska, at the end of the last ice age belonged to a previously unknown group of ancient people who branched off from the ancestors of modern Europeans, according to DNA recovered from her bones.

The child, a mere six weeks old when she died, was found in a burial pit next to the remains of a stillborn baby, perhaps a first cousin, during excavations of an 11,500-year-old residential camp in Tanana River Valley in Central Alaska. The remains were discovered in 2013, but a full genetic analysis has not been possible until now.

Researchers tried to recover ancient DNA from both of the infants but succeeded only in the case of the larger individual. They had expected her genetic material to resemble modern northern or southern lineages of Native Americans, but found instead that she had a distinct genetic makeup that made her a member of a separate population.

A new genome from a Pleistocene burial in Alaska confirms a longstanding belief that European ancestors first arrived in America.

The newly-discovered group, named “ancient Beringians,” appears to have split off from the Europeans around 20,000 years ago and made their way to North America via Alaska, when a frozen land bridge made the crossing from Europe and Asia into North America possible. The ancient Beringians then pushed south as the ice caps melted and mixed with other Native American populations, which is why many Native Americans today also exhibit physical characteristics more commonly associated with whites. According to Eske Willerslev, an evolutionary geneticist at the University of Copenhagen, whose team recovered the girl’s DNA from a dense part of her skull known as the petrous bone,

“This is a new population of Native Americans – the white Native American.”

The findings which were published in the scientific journal Nature, are controversial and represent a growing body of evidence being discovered across the world that suggests the origins of the human race may have been Europe and not Africa as once believed.

Working with scientists at the University of Alaska and elsewhere, Willerslev compared the genetic makeup of the baby, named Xach’itee’aanenh t’eede gaay or “sunrise child-girl” by the local community, with genomes from other ancient and modern people. They found that nearly half of the girl’s DNA came from the ancient north Europeans who lived in what is now Scandinavia. The rest of her genetic makeup was a roughly even mix of DNA now carried by the northern and southern Native Americans. Using evolutionary models, the researchers showed that the ancestors of the first Native Americans started to emerge as a distinct population about 35,000 years ago. About 25,000 years ago, this group mixed and bred with ancient north Asians in the region, the descendants of whom went on to become the first white Europeans to settle the New World.

During the last ice age, so much water was locked up in the ice caps that a land bridge reached from Europe and Asia to North America across what is now the Bering Strait. Willerslev believes the ancestors of these early white Europeans traveled to the continent in a single wave of migration more than 20,000 years ago. Those who settled in the north became the ancient Beringians, he said, while those who moved south, around or through the ice sheets, split into the north and south Native Americans about 15,700 years ago.

But there is another possibility. Ben Potter, an archaeologist on the team from the University of Alaska in Fairbanks, suspects that the Beringians split from the ancestors of other Native Americans in Europe before both groups made their way across the land bridge to North America in separate migrations,

“The support for this scenario is pretty strong. We have no evidence of people in the Beringia region 20,000 years ago.”

Potter suggests that alternatively, these early European settlers may have mixed with Asians before crossing over to North America and were responsible for creating the original Native American people. The families who lived at the ancient camp may have spent months there, Potter said. Excavations at the site, known as Upward Sun River, have revealed at least three tent structures that would have provided shelter. The two babies were found in a burial pit beneath a hearth where families cooked salmon caught in the local river. The cremated remains of a third child, who died at the age of three, were found on top of the hearth at the abandoned camp.

Connie Mulligan, an anthropologist at the University of Florida, said the findings pointed to a single migration of people from Europe to the New World via Asia, but said other questions remained.

“How did people move so quickly to the southernmost point of South America and settle two continents that span a huge climatic and geographic range?”

white European genes and their desire for better living conditions. With the land bridge from Asia to North America fast disappearing and in search of better food and water, the early Europeans would have feasted on the salmon they caught in the wild, which would no doubt would have enhanced their cognitive faculties and ability to anticipate and assess the rapidly changing situation.

David Reich, a geneticist at Harvard University, said the work boosted the case for a single migration into Alaska and then onward to North and South America, but he did not rule out alternatives involving multiple waves of migration. He added that he was unconvinced that the ancient Beringian group split from the ancestors of other Native Americans 20,000 years ago, because even tiny errors in scientists’ data can lead to radically different split times for evolutionary lineages.

“While the 19,000-21,000 year date would have important implications if true and may very well be right, I am not convinced that there is compelling evidence that the initial split date is that old.”

“It’s entirely possible that they were ancient Europeans through and through.”

Racist says “Magic is not for white people”

What happens when an Ult-left brown supremacist sees a white Wiccan at the mall? She runs to her twitter account and rips white people for appropriating magic, and that’s just what this non-white-nazi going by the name Sanam did.

This tweet is making headlines but not just because of the blatant bigotry and ignorance of native European culture with its varied and well embedded magical societies that existed long before they even saw any other races, but the responses from her fellow Ult-left racist were just as ignorant and bigoted.  A black supremacist bearing the name “Feminist Witch,” whose username is LOLatWhiteFear…

This? This is not what I dreamed about.

…She decides to give it to Sanam for emphasizing “brown” over “black”:

“So you felt the need to say brown first lol meanwhile all practices come from Africa. From black people. From my people.”

Who knew that every practice in the world came from Africa? Certainly not the Japanese, Iroquois, or the Celts, whose cultures arose simultaneously with any culture on the African continent.

The Mystery of why Stonehenge was built has been solved everyone

A self described bruja decided to jump on the oppression Olympics train as it was leaving the station and wrote she agreed with Sanam. She stated that watching her white friends mess around with Tarot cards made her uncomfortable.

“I need to be real with you. I have a few yt white friends who fuck with tarot and general witch things and it makes me UNCOMFORTABLE as a brujx.”

Oh you poor sad uneducated people. All of them keep using the word “Witch” and have no idea that THEY are the ones “culturally appropriating” it, as it is literally a word created by whites.

So while these racial supremacist ass hats do such a fabulous job of making everyone who is of a non-mainstream religion and a magical practitioner look like narcissistic SJW bigots, I feel that the public needs to know this Sanam person (I’m still not completely sold she’s a real woman) is less a magical practicing spiritualist, and more like Brown Hitler.

“I hate ze Caucasians… and ze Judens”

I’m not exaggerating. She really is a vile and loathsome person full of hate through and through, living in her own Ult-left echo chamber and enjoying her POC privilege to be racist and not be banned from Twitter for it. If you get the impression this is a slam piece, you’re absolutely right. No doubt the Ult-left will say I am trying to silence Sanam but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I want her voiced to never be silenced…. by her own hands in attempt to cover up the hate spewing from her finger tips. Let us begin.

Don’t you dare share facts with her… you’re a white demon so that makes them all lies.
Whites are sad people because they sunburn easily.
White people don’t research thing.
White girls are annoying because they drool
This just had to be done. You can’t rag on white people and say they all look old when you closely resemble an old white woman with failed plastic surgeries.
I don’t want any more white friends, I have too many.
I hate white women because their nipples are pink… and their tits are real.
White people are retarded
White people need to hire people based on skin color… and buy me food.
White trannies need to pay for my sex change and hormones.

This just goes on and on and on… and like all Ult-left, Sanam not only thinks all white people are racist but ONLY whites can be racist. She doesn’t hesitate to accuse other of it at the drop of a hat.

Who’s convinced they aren’t racist?

Sanam wants white people to leave their friends and family… and they are still scum in her eyes.

Your family is racist, dump ’em

Sanam even goes as far as to guilt white women into driving her to her abortions.

White women should bring me to get my abortions.

“But she isn’t deliberately planning abortions” you may argue… oh it gets better.

The sperm bank is open late tonight.

And after all this Sanam wonders why She’s not married…. and then tweets how useless men are.

Always a bride’s maid, never a bride.

So while this scourge of Twitter… and gender questioning males, gets tons of media attention as a “Witch” complaining about white people, she fails to demonstrate in all her endless anti-white rants any tangible hint of magic outside her rubbing a singing bowl to cleanse her twitter feed of “White demons”, let alone anything warranting Witchcraft.