Gloucester witches are being persecuted, but there’s a deeper component.

The staff at Spellbound say they have received death threats

Toni Hunt center with Emily Parker left and Bobbi Jo-right

Witches who run an occult shop in the shadow of a famous Cathedral claim they are victims of a hate campaign and say the police are doing nothing about it.

“I have reported such incidents on numerous occasions but when the police arrive they tell me that people are just expressing opinions,” she said. If we were members any other religion or group it would be treated as hate crime and dealt with appropriately.”

By “Any other religion or group” she would be referring to the massive influx of Muslims into the UK who have been given special religious protections by authorities to the point that even discussing rapist who is a Muslim can land one in prison for a hate crime.

Toni Hunt and her staff at ‘Spellbound’ in College Green, Gloucester, say they have been called terrorists and devil worshippers and have received death threats. According to them no matter how many of these incidents they have reported, the police just blow it off because of their beliefs. While this is a real problem, there’s an underlying problem that shows how the Witch community made matters worse.

Ms. Hunt says they have been targeted for abuse for about two years, This is normal for any Witch shop, but she says things got worse in recent months when they received a threat to burn down the premises – with the staff still inside. This surge in hate and aggression towards the shop seems to coincide with the #BindTrump event four months ago where a group of liberals hijacked Wicca for a despicable public hexing of President Trump which was nothing but another method of public protest at the expense of the entire Pagan community. This single act set back Pagan public relations 30 years by vindicating the christian extremist’s claim that we are all evil devil worshippers of the Ult-left because it was a religious attack on a leader they view as a champion of their religion. And while most UK conservatives are not too concerned with Trump as a president, Christians all over the world were abuzz with the news that Witches were casting spells against a president and it was viewed as pure unadulterated persecution.


Ms. Hunt continues

“Persecution of witches did not end centuries ago – it is still very prominent in the 21st century and we are being subjected to it regularly. We have been called all sorts – Black Magic Badger Killers, Spawn of Satan and in the same league as ISIS.”

It should also be stated that part of the intent of #BindTrump was to also bind him from issuing military orders needed to protect the country. The only reason one would support this is because they sympathize with the enemy. So it is only a logical step that an association with ISIS would quickly form. While we fully agree what is happening to these women is wrong, we must not ignore that actions have consequences. In no way are we stating that these women had any involvement with #BindTrump, but this is no doubt a problem made worse by the narcissistic and selfish act of a vocal minority abusing Paganism for political gain.

One thought on “Gloucester witches are being persecuted, but there’s a deeper component.”

  1. This is totally sickening! Muslims are allowed to get away with murder! I can see that the whole world is practically kissing their ass! I’m actually surprised that they aren’t trying to bring back the Burning Times over there and torture and kill them for being witches! In the meantime, people are saying, “Poor Muslims! We should help them!”. Fuck that!

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