The Orcale of LA does not speak for all Pagans

This “Oracle of LA” is just a Cultural Marxist putting on the guise of Paganism. In fact the act of Binding the President and attempting to use craft on him is a direct violation of almost all Pagan groups. As may stick to the Harm None principle.

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Twitter @veteranmountian @veteranmountianman

2 thoughts on “The Orcale of LA does not speak for all Pagans”

  1. Actually a binding spell does not go against Wiccan groups, much less all other Witch forms, much less the whole rest of the various Pagan Communities. Now Wiccan groups often are against cursing, but other witch groups may not be. Binding spells can be used for a number of purposes, one of which is protective. You can bind a person to prevent them from harming you and yours. You can make it as selective as you wish. I have used them only three times in the last 34 years. My spells were quite selective, only that the person could not harm me or mine. In no way did it limit the person otherwise, nor prevent other harm to others. In practice in each case the person lost any interest in me at all, and I never saw them again. Worked in reverse as well as I no longer had any reason to be interested in them again either. Even Wiccans are allowed self defense. Doing nothing can also be harmful.

    Having said that, I doubt that our dear leader has to worry about any affect from various people trying to limit the harm he can do. Few of these people have any focus on what they are trying to do, and nor is it a cooperative venture. So basically you have a bunch of people not willing the put the time, effort, or focus and emotion to actually. Toactually have any affect on a national leader [dubious as that claim may be] I think at least it would require a repeating spell over a period of time.

    Otherwise, all we can hope for is his own stupidity.

    1. So first a binding against another persons will takes away their free will. Unless you set it up so that the binding only goes into effect as a self defense method. Which means the Orcal is attacking another individual. So did you. You do not have the rights to take another person’s free will away. There are also other methods that are very effective to defend one’s self without preforming a binding. Which is why I council pagans and even Wiccans against their use. As you have become that which you claim to dislike bye using one. It also sounds like you are not using them with out serious consideration. Now the technicalities of the spell crafting are correct. But I think you should take some time and reconsider what a binding actually is.

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