Gallows Hill gets a memorial

Not too long ago we did a report on the discovery of the true Gallows Hill in Salem Massachusetts. The legendary site that many practicioners of witchcraft hold as sacred has long been steeped in mystery as to its true location. Due to the misnomer “Gallows Hill” by Nathaniel Hawthorne “the hanging judge”, a small hill just on the skirts of Salem was named Gallows Hill. But there was no evidence to prove that it ever actually was and today just stands as a base for a water tower and a playground and it’s foot.

Archaeologists and historians worked together to finally pinpoint the true location which was known as Proctor’s ledge.

Disguised by trees and a neighborhood it does not seem like much of a hill. But historical landmarks were used to successfully triangulate its location. A memorial commemorating the site was completed this summer.

One thought on “Gallows Hill gets a memorial”

  1. That is a lovely memorial. I wonder if the Bell Witch caves will ever be cleared of its stigma.

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