Category Archives: Politics


In the latest issue of The Witches Almanac, the Spring 2016 issue, there is a letter in their Mailbox section… actually it’s the first letter they respond too. A reader by the name of Lorraine Margueritte Gasrel Black (any relation to Sirius Black?) writes the question “How does one know if she/he is really a Witch?”

The responder at The Witches Almanac waste no time in using this opportunity to assert their political beliefs by responding:

“Knowing one is a Witch is like knowing one’s gender; It’s within your soul. Someone who was not raised a Witch will often experience a type of inner knowing or awakening.”

Let’s put aside the fact that this person just glazes right by the blatant No-true-Scotsman inherent in the question that is what really should have been addressed, This person instead makes the effort to equate being a Witch to being transgendered. That even though one was not raised as a Witch, like a man who was not raised as a woman, will experience some inner knowing or awakening, like a man waking up one day and saying to himself “I feel like a woman, I must be a woman”. This is comparing apples to turkey. You know within your soul that you are a Witch where as you know within your underwear what your gender is.

The responder then goes on to say:

“You may find yourself intuitively acting in concert with nature…”

This is a point that’s made in another article we published pointing out the gross disconnect “Nature worshiping” Neo-Pagans have with nature. Nature determines one’s own gender and proudly pronounces it by assigning genitals to all of us… yet when a Neo-Pagan doesn’t like what nature did, to hell with nature. It’s very disingenuous to make  a comparison with something as anti-nature as the myth of gender fluidity, and then try to solidify the point with an appeal to that very Nature.

This is a classic example of leftist liberals slipping their political beliefs into Paganism.


Last Friday thousands of Atheist liberals nationwide watched in awe as a small bird landed on the podium of Bernie Sanders.

Immediately social media erupted in talk of the moment but the most profound aspect was that liberals who pride themselves on being atheist, who will openly claim that they don’t believe in superstitions or the supernatural, claimed this was a sign from the divine that Sanders was to be the next president.

Why is this a big deal? Because for as long as I can remember liberals of all types have always attacked the notion of “Divine signs”, especially when it comes to politicians. Not a week goes by that Atheist liberals like Bill Maher share an article about some christian preacher giving a sermon that his favorite politician is endorsed by his god… which is then thoroughly ripped to shreds by the self-righteous liberal masses because “Only idiots believe in imaginary friends”. But none of these same liberals had any problem hypocritically doing it themselves with Pagan bird signs.

One under-noticed tidbit was just how fast liberals go from Atheist to Satanist, demonstrated perfectly by this woman giving a double horns to the bird as it flew away. (Sorry, couldn’t help it)

But let’s not forget the last time a “Dove of peace” landed on the podium of a socialist.


On Saturday December 5th a memorial service was held for Larry Daniel Kaufman, a  42 year old practicing Wiccan who was killed by jihadist Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik while at his job at the Inland Regional Center for people with disabilities in San Bernardino .

He was in the facility when the attack began. Concerned for his co-workers he yelled “Get out! Go! Get out now! Hurry!”Shoving people out of the line of fire before taking a round and his life ended.

According to Kaufman’s surviving partner Ryan Reyes, he saved 4 people’s lives that day.

He will be missed.

Daniel Kaufman. Photo by Richard Lowe, Jr