Category Archives: Politics

Golden Dawn leaders discuss their sacrifice to magically protect Donald Trump

Anyone who understands magic, taking the fall for another’s curse comes with a heavy price. But taking on the hate-fill evil hurled from all the communist who have invaded the Pagan community world wide no doubt is a suicide mission. But the world’s history is filled with heroic people who entered battle grounds of impossible odds ready to die to do what’s right, and that is what the members of the Golden Dawn did… and it cost them dearly. And just as anti-American communist laugh and mock soldiers who have given life and limbs to protect our nation, so have the communist in the Pagan community mocked these Magical warriors for their losses in doing what they can to spiritually protect our nation.

The chiefs of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, outer order of the Rosicrucian Academy of Alpha et Omega lost their dog, their car and nearly their lives after working magic to protect US President Donald Trump.  

Imperator David Griffin and his wife Leslie McQuade were furious at those in the Pagan community who have been working magic to hex Trump. Writing in his blog, Griffin said:

“The issue here is not whether or not you agree with the politics and policies of Donald Trump. The real question is whether or not a gaggle of Communist leaning magicians and witches should be permitted to topple a duly elected President of the United States or bind and curse the American people who voted for him.”

Griffin said that these “magical terrorists” were “subverting the will of the American people” and seeking to “topple our Republic” by striking in synchronized rituals month after month, just before Black Moon when the energies of darkness and evil are at their most powerful. The series of rituals was to reach its crescendo on the Summer Solstice.

He said that unfortunately, the Secret Service does not yet have a magical arm, so him and his wife. Leslie McQuade stepped up to the plate to neutralize the magical threat to the First Family.

But he said that due to media hype, he and his wife were badly outnumbered. Especially as those who did answer his call were mostly untrained in battle magic.

“Sure, we managed to pull together a rag tag magical defense at the drop of a hat, but our situation this past winter looked as hopeless as Washington’s army faced at Valley Forge,” he said.

Griffin said that the only way to defeat the attacks would be extremely risky for Leslie and himself. He took personal responsibility for the magical protection of President Trump and McQuade did for Melania Trump.

They then used a simple technique drawn from “High Battle Magic” to draw all of the binding and curse energy hurled at the First Family to take it on themselves.

“Leslie and I created magical lightning rods to attract the curse and binding energy, effectively transforming ourselves into living “Poppets” (magical body doubles) for the POTUS and First Lady, drawing the energy of the attacks from the First Family onto Leslie and myself instead, where we could safely neutralize the energy on our magical defenses here at Isis Temple.”

This had a tragic spin off effect. On Independence Day, Griffin was involved in a car crash in the desert which totaled his car, while Leslie McQuade nearly lost her life when hiking on Shadow Mountain with her dog Redd Dogg. The dog injured its paw and could not walk, and McQuade’s suffered from heat stroke as she tried to carry him down the mountain. Redd Dogg had to be abandoned and left to die.

“That rite nearly destroyed us! It was a terrible magical idea, but at the time it was the only effective option we had left to protect our First Family and Republic in the face of such massive, raw, carefully orchestrated evil,” said Griffin.

“And although our Commander in Chief will never read this, I end today with the words from an unknown LVX light-warrior from the front of a magical war our POTUS will never even know exists,” he wrote.

Article source

What is Paganism?

There’s an old saying among pagans. “All Wiccans are Pagans, but not all Pagans are Wiccans.” It’s time we adopt a new saying. “All Pagan religions are non-Christian, but not all non-Christian religions are Pagan.”

For a very long time neo-Pagans have referred to Paganism as an umbrella term, That is to say that Paganism covers a wide range of religions. This is a very loose definition of the term that has been used by neo-Pagans to basically classify any religion that is a non-Christian religion as a Pagan one for so long that it’s just plain accepted at face value. Even Google list it as such “Other than one of the main world religions” but that translates to just “non-Christian” when you take into account that Pagans almost exclusively focus on Christianity for its oppression and not only turn a blind eye to Islam for its oppression, but even defend it.

This loose definition includes Native American, Universal Unitarian, voodoo, satanism, Santeria and many other religions. There’s even a rise of people claiming to be “Pagan Atheist” if you can believe such nonsense.

The true meaning of the word Pagan is “Country Folk”. The term was used by the Roman Christian churches of ancient Europe to describe the native people of Europe. So when they referred to a religion as “Pagan” they were specifically referring to the native religions of the European people. Likewise when the church referred to native Scandinavians they called them “Heathens”. And today many Scandinavian religions are called Heathen religions because Pagan refers to the south-western Europe region. Both terms came to be used as derogatory terms by the church to diminish and stigmatize the old religions. But this reasoning is lost when neo-Pagans wrap, say Native American religions, in a cloak of Paganism. Are they not simultaneously committing an act of colonialism while diminishing the old religions of Europe even further… effectively harming them just as the invading Christians did?

Today neo-Pagans have taken the term to include non-European religions of Africa, Native Americans, aboriginal Australians, Taoism, Buddhism and many others. But by classifying Paganism as to mean any religion that is non-Christian (excuse me, non-main world religion), is to classify Paganism to be specifically an anti-Christian Collective. This is an abuse of the term that both vilifies Paganism as well as Waters it down to a meaningless synonym for “diversity”. When Pagans refer to Native American religions, for example, as “Pagan” they are committing cultural appropriation in the name of the cultural Marxism that has invaded Paganism.

This has also opened the door for black supremacist to claim not only are African religions Pagan, but that they are the true Pagans. Pagans which ancient Europeans culturally appropriated, and in turn let them classify All European Paganism as the result of white supremacy.

The true definition of Paganism needs to be reclaimed with a more clear definition to use in these modern times of identity politics. Now when someone asks me what is a Pagan, I respond:

“A Pagan is a person who follows any of the Native European religions or contemporary religions derived from them.”

If this definition gets propagated throughout the community we could take back Paganism from the cultural Marxist that have worked to make Paganism little more than a club for anti-christian liberals seeking to pad their intersectional oppression resume.

Racist says “Magic is not for white people”

What happens when an Ult-left brown supremacist sees a white Wiccan at the mall? She runs to her twitter account and rips white people for appropriating magic, and that’s just what this non-white-nazi going by the name Sanam did.

This tweet is making headlines but not just because of the blatant bigotry and ignorance of native European culture with its varied and well embedded magical societies that existed long before they even saw any other races, but the responses from her fellow Ult-left racist were just as ignorant and bigoted.  A black supremacist bearing the name “Feminist Witch,” whose username is LOLatWhiteFear…

This? This is not what I dreamed about.

…She decides to give it to Sanam for emphasizing “brown” over “black”:

“So you felt the need to say brown first lol meanwhile all practices come from Africa. From black people. From my people.”

Who knew that every practice in the world came from Africa? Certainly not the Japanese, Iroquois, or the Celts, whose cultures arose simultaneously with any culture on the African continent.

The Mystery of why Stonehenge was built has been solved everyone

A self described bruja decided to jump on the oppression Olympics train as it was leaving the station and wrote she agreed with Sanam. She stated that watching her white friends mess around with Tarot cards made her uncomfortable.

“I need to be real with you. I have a few yt white friends who fuck with tarot and general witch things and it makes me UNCOMFORTABLE as a brujx.”

Oh you poor sad uneducated people. All of them keep using the word “Witch” and have no idea that THEY are the ones “culturally appropriating” it, as it is literally a word created by whites.

So while these racial supremacist ass hats do such a fabulous job of making everyone who is of a non-mainstream religion and a magical practitioner look like narcissistic SJW bigots, I feel that the public needs to know this Sanam person (I’m still not completely sold she’s a real woman) is less a magical practicing spiritualist, and more like Brown Hitler.

“I hate ze Caucasians… and ze Judens”

I’m not exaggerating. She really is a vile and loathsome person full of hate through and through, living in her own Ult-left echo chamber and enjoying her POC privilege to be racist and not be banned from Twitter for it. If you get the impression this is a slam piece, you’re absolutely right. No doubt the Ult-left will say I am trying to silence Sanam but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I want her voiced to never be silenced…. by her own hands in attempt to cover up the hate spewing from her finger tips. Let us begin.

Don’t you dare share facts with her… you’re a white demon so that makes them all lies.
Whites are sad people because they sunburn easily.
White people don’t research thing.
White girls are annoying because they drool
This just had to be done. You can’t rag on white people and say they all look old when you closely resemble an old white woman with failed plastic surgeries.
I don’t want any more white friends, I have too many.
I hate white women because their nipples are pink… and their tits are real.
White people are retarded
White people need to hire people based on skin color… and buy me food.
White trannies need to pay for my sex change and hormones.

This just goes on and on and on… and like all Ult-left, Sanam not only thinks all white people are racist but ONLY whites can be racist. She doesn’t hesitate to accuse other of it at the drop of a hat.

Who’s convinced they aren’t racist?

Sanam wants white people to leave their friends and family… and they are still scum in her eyes.

Your family is racist, dump ’em

Sanam even goes as far as to guilt white women into driving her to her abortions.

White women should bring me to get my abortions.

“But she isn’t deliberately planning abortions” you may argue… oh it gets better.

The sperm bank is open late tonight.

And after all this Sanam wonders why She’s not married…. and then tweets how useless men are.

Always a bride’s maid, never a bride.

So while this scourge of Twitter… and gender questioning males, gets tons of media attention as a “Witch” complaining about white people, she fails to demonstrate in all her endless anti-white rants any tangible hint of magic outside her rubbing a singing bowl to cleanse her twitter feed of “White demons”, let alone anything warranting Witchcraft.


Once again we turn our attention to the Witches Almanac Spring 2016 issue where each year they feature a celebrity horoscope of “Someone who has impacted the magical universe”. And who do they choose for their “Pagan celebrity of the year”? Pope Francis, the leader of the catholic world. This is now the second article we have about this particular installment of the Witches Almanac. In the other article we discuss how members of the editorial staff compare being a Witch to being transgendered and how liberalism has crept in and taken over Paganism to push liberal leftist politics as though they are Pagan religious beliefs.

But why the Pope of all people? And not just an honorable mention, but to dedicate a whopping four whole pages to him? To what does the Witches Almanac attribute to this man that makes him worthy of the admiration of not just Witches and Wiccans, but the Pagan community as a whole? According to the author Dikki-Jo Mullen “Pope Francis is winning the approval of Pagans…”.

Because he seeks changes in Catholicism on the topics of “Abortion, gay rights, women priest and divorce.”

All of these are liberals political issues, not Pagan religious issues. You know what is a Pagan religious issue? Child molestation and our need to be as intolerant and unforgiving of it as possible, and last time I checked the Pope has done nothing to stop it and said little to condemn it. But by all means, let’s give him an award because he’s starting to consider that killing babies might actually be OK.


And what’s with this “Winning the approval of Muslims” business? You mean those people who’s religious views outright condemn abortion, homosexuality, women priest and divorce to the point that 30% of Muslims in America and Europe support the death penalty for them? Why not give this honor to someone who has never been involved in molesting a child and has in fact personally helped hundreds of sick children by paying for their medical needs out of pocket, someone who has been pro-choice, Someone who supports trannies using whatever bathrooms they want, someone who not just allows, but encourages women to work along side men, someone who’s seen a few divorces in his time… why not give this honor to someone like Donald Trump? That’s because they are not giving this honor to someone who has impacted the magical universe, but instead people who buy into the liberals regressive agenda and will turn on their already long established faith to make it just another homogenized product of liberal leftism.

Yet Trump is a racist for vowing to stop these people.

We used to get the Witches Almanac faithfully throughout the 90’s and early 2000’s when it was a true paperback news print and they were great books full of wonderful stories and legends of Pagans long past. The short two page stories and articles, as well as a cheep cover price of just $8, made them perfect bathroom readers. Now they are stereotypical soft cover new-age novellas costing a hefty $13. This made them lose their luster and personal feeling of a grassroots affirmation of faith and now feel more like an affirmation of capitalism and new age dogma.