Tag Archives: pope francis


Once again we turn our attention to the Witches Almanac Spring 2016 issue where each year they feature a celebrity horoscope of “Someone who has impacted the magical universe”. And who do they choose for their “Pagan celebrity of the year”? Pope Francis, the leader of the catholic world. This is now the second article we have about this particular installment of the Witches Almanac. In the other article we discuss how members of the editorial staff compare being a Witch to being transgendered and how liberalism has crept in and taken over Paganism to push liberal leftist politics as though they are Pagan religious beliefs.

But why the Pope of all people? And not just an honorable mention, but to dedicate a whopping four whole pages to him? To what does the Witches Almanac attribute to this man that makes him worthy of the admiration of not just Witches and Wiccans, but the Pagan community as a whole? According to the author Dikki-Jo Mullen “Pope Francis is winning the approval of Pagans…”.

Because he seeks changes in Catholicism on the topics of “Abortion, gay rights, women priest and divorce.”

All of these are liberals political issues, not Pagan religious issues. You know what is a Pagan religious issue? Child molestation and our need to be as intolerant and unforgiving of it as possible, and last time I checked the Pope has done nothing to stop it and said little to condemn it. But by all means, let’s give him an award because he’s starting to consider that killing babies might actually be OK.


And what’s with this “Winning the approval of Muslims” business? You mean those people who’s religious views outright condemn abortion, homosexuality, women priest and divorce to the point that 30% of Muslims in America and Europe support the death penalty for them? Why not give this honor to someone who has never been involved in molesting a child and has in fact personally helped hundreds of sick children by paying for their medical needs out of pocket, someone who has been pro-choice, Someone who supports trannies using whatever bathrooms they want, someone who not just allows, but encourages women to work along side men, someone who’s seen a few divorces in his time… why not give this honor to someone like Donald Trump? That’s because they are not giving this honor to someone who has impacted the magical universe, but instead people who buy into the liberals regressive agenda and will turn on their already long established faith to make it just another homogenized product of liberal leftism.

Yet Trump is a racist for vowing to stop these people.

We used to get the Witches Almanac faithfully throughout the 90’s and early 2000’s when it was a true paperback news print and they were great books full of wonderful stories and legends of Pagans long past. The short two page stories and articles, as well as a cheep cover price of just $8, made them perfect bathroom readers. Now they are stereotypical soft cover new-age novellas costing a hefty $13. This made them lose their luster and personal feeling of a grassroots affirmation of faith and now feel more like an affirmation of capitalism and new age dogma.