Tag Archives: aleister

Spells and Magick

By: Harold Sanford Carter III (Piercingmoon)

Aleister Crowley put the “k” in magic to separate stage magicians from true ceremonial magicians. Whenever you see writing and an author uses a“k”in the word magic (magick) it is safe to assume the author has a bit of Crowley wisdom to them. Spells and magick are not something a person does. Magick is what a person is. Magick spells happen in the mind. The physical actions of magick spells are only tools to focus the mind. Only pure will power can cast a spell. Concentrated desire and emotion are the keys to successful magick. Most spells are physical rituals to focus the mind. It is important to add that not all rituals are spells. When was the last time you blew out the candles for a birthday wish? You can change consciousness if will, emotion and desire are strong enough. Before you blow out those candles, close your eyes and ponder what you want. The candles blowing out are only a symbol for the mind. Faithful magick spirals in the thoughts of humanity. The flow of nature seems to be a factor in magickal work. The Great Spirit has rhythm with tide. We are part of the flow and our magick should run parallel with it. The Wheel of the Year waxes and wanes; so does the moon. Similarly, so should our magick spells. Going with the flow also includes correspondences to symbolically focus consciousness. Herbs, plants, days of the week, tools, colors, numbers, directions and many other correspondences can aid magickal spell work a great deal. Like the ingredients to a delicious cake, the spell must also have the right components. There is no ‘doubt’ in magick. A second of doubt will bring desire to its knees in execution. The best thing to do is to plant a spell like a seed and forget about it. In addition, make sure the spell is kept a secret. The mere thought forms of another can bring the spell to its demise. The only exception is if you are part of a working magickal circle. In the case of many directing a pure will, the results can be phenomenal.
Another word of advice is to always contemplate the desired results of a spell with visualization. Create a mental image of what it is that you want.
As I understand it, the most powerful magick spells a person can cast are the spells that are the most personal. There is no set doctrine for magickal things. It is true we can stand on the shoulders of giants to learn ancient traditions written and verbal, moreover, the seeker heeds only to Gaia. I wish people would stop saying that they practice white or black magick also! Power only manifests itself in balanced situations. Equilibrium is the
way of magick. Real magick is only gray. Nothing in nature is good or evil.
The notion of nature is that it simply exists. The spells and magickal intentions of adept practitioners mirror nature. White or black magick is off balance and will fall sooner or later. Who wants to have weak magick? Are you familiar with the Middle Pillar in the Golden Dawn magickal tradition? The focus was on the Middle Pillar for a reason. Learning spells, creating magick is a life long engagement. What works for you may not work for someone else. A strong will mends a strong spell. You must crave the wish with thirst. Magick is inside us. It’s in our thoughts. Anything outside of the psyche only acts as an extension of the will.
….. So mote it be.