Tag Archives: ban


The controversial Bremerton high school football coach, Joe Kennedy, who wanted to make sure Jesus was to thank for every touchdown by making a public spectacle out of his prayers got shut down… but not for the reason many would think.

He was praying while on school time, And while Kennedy never told his players that they had to pray with him, he forbid them from praying to any others Gods, which was double direct violation of church-state separation laws that forbid turning the playing field into an open forum for all forms of religion to be expressed freely. A few of the students attending the school wanted to join in on the festivities, express their school spirit and also pray for the success of their beloved football team. So they invited members of the local Satanic Temple to come and deliver a post-game invocation with them in representation of their faith(an act that was actually fully legal since students were not on school pay). But supporters of Kennedy crying “Freedom of religion” only wanted to allow christian prayers to be recited in front of the crowd and sent a landslide of angry letters demanding that the school ban the Satanic students from praying. So just as any parent who has children fighting over who gets to play with the toy, the school took the toy away by shutting down all forms of prayers by faculty on school time.


In one very idiotic move, Istagram took upon itself to ban the word “Goddess” from its search terms, prompting a new hashtag #bringbackthegoddess that began hitting the site like a ton of bricks. There is much speculation as to why the word was banned, the foremost being that it was being used too much in tagging porn. I seriously wonder however if they would have banned the word “Jesus” if it was used to tag a bunch of porn.

But today it appears the hashtag protest worked as Instagram has brought #Goddess back.