Tag Archives: manhood


One major aspect of all Paganism is the celebration of the genders. One of the main endgames of progressives is to destroy gender altogether by feminism’s demonization of Men and victimization of Women. First it starts by progressives declaring that boys need to be “feminized” in articles published on blogs like Covenant Of Unitarian Universalist Pagans, Patheos and even The Wild Hunt. Now the feminist media is telling us that it’s time to get rid of the concept of manhood completely and are declaring the need to totally run the male gender into the ground.








How many more declarations of cultural warfare by progressives need to be illustrated before enough men and women in the Pagan community wake up? Progressives are working to HATE masculinity with a passion, they hate the men in your family and they want them to submit. Quote:

“Men are pretty terrible people. They commit significantly more violent crimes, robberies and assaults each year than women do, according to the Department of Justice. They are more likely to show anger in the workplace and be rewarded for it while women are affected negatively for the same behaviors. They even take up too much space on public transportation when “manspreading”. I could keep going. Men probably dominate all these “terrible” statistics because, now and throughout history, they’ve dominated the world. But that doesn’t give them a pass. They are still to blame even if they don’t know better, and it’s high time their dominant position – their entitled ignorance – was questioned and dismantled.”

Now replace “Men” with “Blacks” and you’ll see the outrageous prejudice and hatred this author expresses.

But the terrible thing is that masses of feminist Neo-Pagan social justice warlords are buying into this crap. Misandrist feminism has taken over Paganism so much that most “Pagans” today forgot what all Pagan religions are about. Do these people not remember why Pagans celebrate the seasons, the cycles of life, death and rebirth? You can not remove the fact that all Pagan religions celebrate and honor reproduction, the joining of Women and Men. There is no Pagan religion that celebrates Men shunning their “toxic masculinity” by lopping their penises off and identifying as Women.

Every polytheistic religion in human history had both Gods and Goddess and in almost all cases both Gods and Goddesses were equally important and powerful. Both had their share of power, even in pantheons with male leaders. The worship of both male and female deities was because ancient Pagans practiced true “gender equality”, All Pagans knew it was an undisputed fact that both genders are needed to create life and honored the complimentary roles the genders, instead of the progressive’s Divide and Conquer belief.