Wicca, A Pro-Life Religion

Contrary to the portrayal of Wicca as a pro-abortion religion by both christians and atheist liberals, Wicca is really a Pro-life religion.

Wicca teaches that all things are sacred, that all things have a spirit and that all that is of Mother Earth deserves our protection and preservation. The Witch’s Rede states “These 13 words reside forever under the Gods will, An harm ye none, Less be it to preserve, do what thou will.”

The Air that bird and insects fly in, who’s freedom and right to live is something we value as important. And for that we fight to keep the air clean so they may live.







The Water that fish swim in, who’s freedom and right to live is something we value as important. And for that we right to keep our water clean so they may live.







The fire that destroys the dead overgrowth of forest to make way for new vegetation to grow and create better habitats for animals who’s freedom and right to live will be better sustained. And for this the fight to tame fire is something we value as important so it works for good instead of destruction. the same fire we use to cook with and warm our homes, to keep ourselves and those animal friends who share our dwellings with us, alive and living free.







The Earth below us, ever constant yet changing. It too is sacred as it gives home to all creatures. Creatures who’s freedom and right to live is something we value as important. And for this we fight to keep the Earth clean so they may live.







All things are divine from the birds, to insects, from fish to land creatures. The elements are too divine as we hold them sacred for all things have the spirit of the Great Lady and Lord, Goddess and God. They inhabit all things just as we are a part of them.







So be it known that none may call themselves “Wiccan” and not recognize the sanctity and divinity of an unborn baby. Since we all born, die and reborn, we know that life is not something that just begins, life is something that was always there. Life is there before conception. A baby in the womb is the very embodiment of the Goddess, the living effigy of her promise of new life.










The very cauldron on our Altars is to remind us of the sanctity of not just the womb, but of what it carries… we pray to this and yet it is a mere symbol, a representation of the real thing… And to call it anything less is to spit in her eyes.










It is our holy charge to be the caretakers of not just what is sacred, but for that which can not take care of itself… that which is most vulnerable to negative actions of others through ill will or ignorance. To protect the life the Goddess creates is the very embodiment of the God. And to find any reason to justify otherwise is to spit in his eyes.

Abortion ends a life, and to trivialize life is as far from Wicca as one can get. It goes against everything the Rede and all teachings of the divine give.


2 thoughts on “Wicca, A Pro-Life Religion”

  1. Yes, abortion ends a life, but the spirit lives on to be born again. No one kills their baby out of spite and murder, but more because they can’t see a way to give it a life, and the mother must save her own life. This idea that the baby’s life is more important than the mother’s is a fairly recent concept in our history, one that has left a confusion in the minds of the people. Let’s be clear on this, and admit that the mother must survive to make another baby, thereby fulfilling whatever this agenda is about every fetus being worth dieing over. Maybe you shouldn’t be so concerned about the fetus, and consider the life of the mother, unless you view females as only broodmares, whose lives are expendable for the sake of the child.

    1. Right off the bat you clearly demonstrate a lack of basic understanding. “No one kills their baby out of spite and murder” What you are describing is accidental death, like a parent who slips down some stairs while carrying their baby and the baby dies. That parent didn’t murder their baby nor killed it out of “spite”… odd how you chose that word. Could it be because it’s irrelevant and gives you a strawman you poison the well. A more accurate term would have been “contempt”. Anyways, unless a woman accidentally fell in a planned parenthood and landed on an abortion, she did it deliberately. Killing an innocent fellow human is the very definition of murder. And one must have contempt for that life to be willing to end it in the first place.
      “…but more because they can’t see a way to give it a life” Not killing it, that’s how you give it a life. This is basic logic here and you have to have a skewed moral compass to think this is a valid stance. In 2011 a woman who thought rapture took place and her family was left behind didn’t think her two young daughters were going to “have a life”. So she took a kitchen knife and slit their throats. By your own reasoning, this woman did not murder her daughters and was fully justified.

      Then immediately you slam right into the “But muh mother’s life” argument and wee wee wee all the way home with it. Less than 1% of all abortions performed are due to natal risk to the mother, yet as always you make that the paramount argument to support the other 98% of abortions that are done merely for elective reasons. You may not know this about me but I oppose capitol punishment. I know that surprises you as you most likely believe all pro-life people are for the death penalty but that’s another strawman by liberals. Now I don’t oppose it because I don’t believe there aren’t criminals who don’t deserve to die, quite the contrary. I oppose it because sometimes innocent men are put to death for a crime they did not commit. Frying 98 violent mass murderers who promise they will kill again if ever set free wouldn’t justify one innocent man being unjustly killed. When that happens the system becomes no better than the murderers it was designed to punish. Yet here you are, convinced that unjustly allowing the murder of 98 innocent babies is worth the life of one that may pose a risk to the mother… a risk that you’re not even sure an abortion would prevent.

      “This idea that the baby’s life is more important than the mother’s is a fairly recent concept in our history, one that has left a confusion in the minds of the people” Actually this is not a fairly recent concept in our history as it is a complete strawman. No one thinks this, pro-abortionist made it up. But you know what is a fairly recent concept? That an unborn baby isn’t a life. And that is the sole source of all confusion in people’s minds.

      See, had you actually paid attention to the article (if you even bothered to read it at all) it starts out quoting the Witches Rede “An harm ye none, lest be it to preserve, do what thou will.” Notice the middle part “Lest be it to preserve…”, that is there specifically because sometimes causing harm is necessary in preventing greater harm. Such as “one must harm an attacker to protect one’s family.” Or “If the mothers life is at risk, both their lives are in Jeopardy and to save one the other may have to be sacrificed.” So after all this, your whole argument was null and void from the get go.

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