All posts by Admin

I am the founder of the Unapologetic Pagan. I formulated the idea of the "Unapologetic Pagan" when I began noticing a festering movement in the Pagan community, a lurking agenda that sought to undermine the entire community. Something I couldn't put my finger on until one day I heard a quote "We were so busy fighting about what liberties the right was going to take from us that we never saw the monster growing on the left." That's when I took a step back and realized that since the turn of the century we have gone from a community that just won our religious freedom and validity... to a community being taken over by liberal atheist who want it to be just another label in their identity politics. I see a complete white-washing of historical Pagan philosophies into leftist SJW ideology. An unwritten doctrine that dictates anyone who calls themselves a "Pagan" must put leftist fundamentalism first. I knew I needed to take a stand. Someone needed to push back and not allow Paganism to just become another word synonymous with "Liberal lunatics". That someone had to let others like me know they are not alone and that together we can reclaim our faiths and stand together without shame.


The controversial Bremerton high school football coach, Joe Kennedy, who wanted to make sure Jesus was to thank for every touchdown by making a public spectacle out of his prayers got shut down… but not for the reason many would think.

He was praying while on school time, And while Kennedy never told his players that they had to pray with him, he forbid them from praying to any others Gods, which was double direct violation of church-state separation laws that forbid turning the playing field into an open forum for all forms of religion to be expressed freely. A few of the students attending the school wanted to join in on the festivities, express their school spirit and also pray for the success of their beloved football team. So they invited members of the local Satanic Temple to come and deliver a post-game invocation with them in representation of their faith(an act that was actually fully legal since students were not on school pay). But supporters of Kennedy crying “Freedom of religion” only wanted to allow christian prayers to be recited in front of the crowd and sent a landslide of angry letters demanding that the school ban the Satanic students from praying. So just as any parent who has children fighting over who gets to play with the toy, the school took the toy away by shutting down all forms of prayers by faculty on school time.


One major aspect of all Paganism is the celebration of the genders. One of the main endgames of progressives is to destroy gender altogether by feminism’s demonization of Men and victimization of Women. First it starts by progressives declaring that boys need to be “feminized” in articles published on blogs like Covenant Of Unitarian Universalist Pagans, Patheos and even The Wild Hunt. Now the feminist media is telling us that it’s time to get rid of the concept of manhood completely and are declaring the need to totally run the male gender into the ground.








How many more declarations of cultural warfare by progressives need to be illustrated before enough men and women in the Pagan community wake up? Progressives are working to HATE masculinity with a passion, they hate the men in your family and they want them to submit. Quote:

“Men are pretty terrible people. They commit significantly more violent crimes, robberies and assaults each year than women do, according to the Department of Justice. They are more likely to show anger in the workplace and be rewarded for it while women are affected negatively for the same behaviors. They even take up too much space on public transportation when “manspreading”. I could keep going. Men probably dominate all these “terrible” statistics because, now and throughout history, they’ve dominated the world. But that doesn’t give them a pass. They are still to blame even if they don’t know better, and it’s high time their dominant position – their entitled ignorance – was questioned and dismantled.”

Now replace “Men” with “Blacks” and you’ll see the outrageous prejudice and hatred this author expresses.

But the terrible thing is that masses of feminist Neo-Pagan social justice warlords are buying into this crap. Misandrist feminism has taken over Paganism so much that most “Pagans” today forgot what all Pagan religions are about. Do these people not remember why Pagans celebrate the seasons, the cycles of life, death and rebirth? You can not remove the fact that all Pagan religions celebrate and honor reproduction, the joining of Women and Men. There is no Pagan religion that celebrates Men shunning their “toxic masculinity” by lopping their penises off and identifying as Women.

Every polytheistic religion in human history had both Gods and Goddess and in almost all cases both Gods and Goddesses were equally important and powerful. Both had their share of power, even in pantheons with male leaders. The worship of both male and female deities was because ancient Pagans practiced true “gender equality”, All Pagans knew it was an undisputed fact that both genders are needed to create life and honored the complimentary roles the genders, instead of the progressive’s Divide and Conquer belief.


A new book is coming from the land of Atheist called Godless Paganism: Voices of Non-Theistic Pagans.

“But ‘atheist Pagan’ is a contradiction in terms!” and you’d be right. It is a contradictory term as there is not one example of Paganism throughout history that didn’t believe in a deity. It’s the very fact these deities existed prior to christianity that makes Pagan religions, Pagan. The fact that these atheist Pagans exist is yet another example of the watering down of Paganism into a religious status for Atheist who want to pretend they have religion, essentially turning Paganism into an extension of Pastafarianism. Non-theistic Pagans are Pagans who do not believe in the literal existence of personal gods, yet enjoy pretending to pray and worship them. An article on Progressive Liberal blog

“Most non-theistic Pagans share a love of Pagan ritual and myth and experience a deep sense of awe or reverence in nature.”

Atheist enjoying Pagan rituals. Let’s put this into a different prospective to get a sense of what that means. If someone who doesn’t believe in any God walks into catholic churches because they enjoy participating in their mass, do we call them an “Atheist Catholic”? No.

Pagans are those who observe religious practices and deities that are pre-christian. The original Pagans had Gods and Goddesses. Their Deities had names and they were worshiped.

Neo-Pagans are those who practice new age philosophies and non-theistic spiritualism that came about in flower-child era.

UU are not Pagans. UU is a recent belief that has no foundation in any Pagan religion and is post-christian era progressive movement to water down other religions for good feels.

Atheist do not accept or believe in any form of deities, spirits, worshiping animals or anything supernatural. The exact opposite of all the previous.


A woman in Dillsboro NC, Giovanna Sforza, received Eight boxes she had shipped and immediately noticed something was wrong.

“Six of the eight boxes of books were damaged badly. They had been ripped open along entire sides of the box and the contents obviously had been exposed and put back in the boxes and taped back together by the post office. When I received some of the boxes, there were still entire sides wide open,” said Sforza

Upon opening the boxes she noticed 20 books, covering many areas of Paganism, she had shipped to her home were missing and replaced by a Baptist chant book of hymns.

She was visiting her mother in Arizona for a year and during her visit, acquired more books than she could travel with back to her home in NC. She bought book boxes from U-Haul and mailed them via USPS book rate and had them insured for $300.

When she checked the manifest, only her books dealing with Pagan topics were stolen and the baptist book stuck in and resealed. She immediately called the Post Office and reported the theft.

Sforza believes the theft and propaganda planting could only have been done by a postal employee.

She theorized, “Somewhere along the postal route, while in federal Postal Service custody, a box or more broke open, a federal postal employee saw the contents, removed my books, and placed a hymnal inside in their place. Apparently they felt I needed to be singing the praises of Jesus. I do not know how else this could have happened. I am really shocked, because I would presume, that there are cameras at these places?”

When she called the post office and explained the situation she was naturally confronted with resistance. “The woman on the phone sounded like she couldn’t care less. Didn’t sound surprised, was not outraged or apologetic. She just told me to go online and file a claim. Nothing she could do about it,” she said.

It’s surprising that a federal employee who knows tampering with US mail is a federal offense that can land one five year in prison and a $5000 fine. Sforza has filed a claim with the post office and plans to file federal charges.

How much do you want to bet that IF this criminal is caught and arrested, how many christians will cry “persecution” like they did for Kim Davis. and hail them as a hero for committing a federal crime.


In one very idiotic move, Istagram took upon itself to ban the word “Goddess” from its search terms, prompting a new hashtag #bringbackthegoddess that began hitting the site like a ton of bricks. There is much speculation as to why the word was banned, the foremost being that it was being used too much in tagging porn. I seriously wonder however if they would have banned the word “Jesus” if it was used to tag a bunch of porn.

But today it appears the hashtag protest worked as Instagram has brought #Goddess back.


Originally reported by: Greek Reporter

The ancient Greek phrase “ΕΛΘΕ ΜΟΙ Ω ΠΑΙΑΝ ΦΕΡΩΝ ΤΟ ΜΑΝΤΕΙΟΝ ΑΛΗΘΕC” is written on the mouth of a well that came to light during the latest excavations of the German Archaeological Institute at the archaeological site of Kerameikos in Athens.

The invocation phrase seems to have been addressed to Apollo, the ancient Greek god of prophecy, while the well was probably used in some kind of hydromancy rituals during the early Roman times.

This significant and unexpected discovery was made after an inverted marble was removed from the mouth of the well in the sanctuary’s courtyard, south of the famous “burial route.”

The well is attributed either to ancient goddess of the hunt, forests and hills, the moon and archery, Artemis, or goddess of magic, crossroads, moon, ghosts and necromancy, Hecate.

According to a Greek Culture Ministry announcement, the identification of more than 20 inscriptions with relevant content highlights the well’s connection with the sanctuary of Apollo in Athens, confirming the worship of God along with his sister, Artemis.

The excavation was carried out under the direction of Jutta Stroszeck and the supervision of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Athens.