Category Archives: Pholisophy

What is Paganism?

There’s an old saying among pagans. “All Wiccans are Pagans, but not all Pagans are Wiccans.” It’s time we adopt a new saying. “All Pagan religions are non-Christian, but not all non-Christian religions are Pagan.”

For a very long time neo-Pagans have referred to Paganism as an umbrella term, That is to say that Paganism covers a wide range of religions. This is a very loose definition of the term that has been used by neo-Pagans to basically classify any religion that is a non-Christian religion as a Pagan one for so long that it’s just plain accepted at face value. Even Google list it as such “Other than one of the main world religions” but that translates to just “non-Christian” when you take into account that Pagans almost exclusively focus on Christianity for its oppression and not only turn a blind eye to Islam for its oppression, but even defend it.

This loose definition includes Native American, Universal Unitarian, voodoo, satanism, Santeria and many other religions. There’s even a rise of people claiming to be “Pagan Atheist” if you can believe such nonsense.

The true meaning of the word Pagan is “Country Folk”. The term was used by the Roman Christian churches of ancient Europe to describe the native people of Europe. So when they referred to a religion as “Pagan” they were specifically referring to the native religions of the European people. Likewise when the church referred to native Scandinavians they called them “Heathens”. And today many Scandinavian religions are called Heathen religions because Pagan refers to the south-western Europe region. Both terms came to be used as derogatory terms by the church to diminish and stigmatize the old religions. But this reasoning is lost when neo-Pagans wrap, say Native American religions, in a cloak of Paganism. Are they not simultaneously committing an act of colonialism while diminishing the old religions of Europe even further… effectively harming them just as the invading Christians did?

Today neo-Pagans have taken the term to include non-European religions of Africa, Native Americans, aboriginal Australians, Taoism, Buddhism and many others. But by classifying Paganism as to mean any religion that is non-Christian (excuse me, non-main world religion), is to classify Paganism to be specifically an anti-Christian Collective. This is an abuse of the term that both vilifies Paganism as well as Waters it down to a meaningless synonym for “diversity”. When Pagans refer to Native American religions, for example, as “Pagan” they are committing cultural appropriation in the name of the cultural Marxism that has invaded Paganism.

This has also opened the door for black supremacist to claim not only are African religions Pagan, but that they are the true Pagans. Pagans which ancient Europeans culturally appropriated, and in turn let them classify All European Paganism as the result of white supremacy.

The true definition of Paganism needs to be reclaimed with a more clear definition to use in these modern times of identity politics. Now when someone asks me what is a Pagan, I respond:

“A Pagan is a person who follows any of the Native European religions or contemporary religions derived from them.”

If this definition gets propagated throughout the community we could take back Paganism from the cultural Marxist that have worked to make Paganism little more than a club for anti-christian liberals seeking to pad their intersectional oppression resume.

7 Lies Pagans Need to Stop Teaching Girls About Sex

1. “Heteronormative” is a bad thing.

It’s OK to be for women to be lesbians. Shoot, in today’s society about a third of girls are reporting to be bisexual to some degree. But girls are being taught by regressive liberals in the Pagan communities that being only attracted to men is shameful and offensive. Public displays of affection by women towards men are more and more being labeled with the new word “Heteronormative” in a derogatory manner to shame young women. They need to be taught that there is nothing wrong with being attracted to men. It is in their nature after all.

2.  Virginity doesn’t exist.

It’s really hard to believe but there are many neo-Pagans preaching that virginity doesn’t exist simply because they don’t like definitions that imply a penis or anything heterosexual is involved. In reality the majority of Pagan religions place virginity on a pedestal. That whole “sacrificing virgins” business didn’t just poof out of thin air. The withholding of sex is used in many rituals to build up sexual energy, others for the purity.

3.  Some women are born with penises.

Children are born with a sexual identity and regressive liberal neo-Pagans want to take that identity away from them by confusing them with altered definitions of gender. In most cases gender confusion is due to the person being homosexual and are either in denial or were taught they were “A woman in a man’s body”. Biological sex IS gender identity, there’s no way around it no matter how hard progressives try. This is why when a man tried to become a woman he adopts all the things that make women… women. It is important to note that almost 50% of men who get a “Gender reassignment” surgeries commit suicide, a staggering rate. And around 40% of those who didn’t, live life regretting the surgery.

Trans women are men, period.

4. Promiscuity is sexual liberation

It’s no secret that a lot of Neo-Paganism came from the “free love” hippies, but real Paganism is ancient. And as much as regressives claim monogamy is the product of monotheistic religion, that’s a lie. Monogamy’s roots can be easily seen going back to Ancient Sumeria and beyond. The women sitting around Pagan gatherings openly living the swingers lifestyle are not actually expressing the sexual empowerment of our ancestors, but the sexual degeneracy of 1960’s feminism.

5. Waxing/shaving is about pleasing men.

Styles come and styles go. It’s a common myth that women removing body hair is the product of the hair removal industry, as women (and men) have been removing their body in prehistory times when they learned it was cleaner and by proxy, more attractive. The Romans and Egyptians practiced epilation, as well as ancient Asian cultures. Some of which were even regarded as sacred rituals. Girls today though are taught by regressives that the only reason any women would care about her body hair is to feed men’s beauty standards.  While it is true that most men find body hair unattractive, it is even more true that most women wax/shave because they like how they look and feel from it. Many women find it gives them a sense of pride, confidence and a positive self image. Grooming is something that should always be encouraged, telling them they shouldn’t because it’s self degrading gives them a poor self image and outlook of the world. It’s also slightly hypocritical to see neo-Pagan woman at gatherings running around with hair armpits and legs because they want to make a statement “This is the way nature intended” while simultaneously having purple hair on their head.

6. Abortion is normal.

Regressive liberal neo-Pagans have been doing their damnedest to push the notion that abortions are a Pagan value. This is not just a gross lie, it’s dangerous at that. All Pagan religions across the globe and throughout history revere the baby in the womb as the utmost sacred of sacreds. Abortion goes against all of them. See our article Wicca, A Pro-Life Religion

7. Male Sexual attraction is sexual objectification.

Regressives have been teaching girls that any attention they get from boys is because they are viewed as a sex object… and this has spilled into the Pagan community. It is based on two false narratives: That men are incapable of finding women sexy and think of them as  people too. And that only men look at someone in sexual manners. Both of which build unhealthy expectations in young women and cause them to view themselves as “A piece of meat” any time a boy smiles at them. Girls need to be taught that everyone views what they find sexually appealing, in a sexual manner. And that in no way means they can’t be viewed as a person too.