All posts by Ahroun Nosfadry

I am the founder of the Unapologetic Pagan. I formulated the idea of the "Unapologetic Pagan" when I began noticing a festering movement in the Pagan community, a lurking agenda that sought to undermine the entire community. Something I couldn't put my finger on until one day I heard a quote "We were so busy fighting about what liberties the right was going to take from us that we never saw the monster growing on the left." That's when I took a step back and realized that since the turn of the century we have gone from a community that just won our religious freedom and validity... to a community being taken over by liberal atheist who want it to be just another label in their identity politics. I see a complete white-washing of historical Pagan philosophies into leftist SJW ideology. An unwritten doctrine that dictates anyone who calls themselves a "Pagan" must put leftist fundamentalism first. I knew I needed to take a stand. Someone needed to push back and not allow Paganism to just become another word synonymous with "Liberal lunatics". That someone had to let others like me know they are not alone and that together we can reclaim our faiths and stand together without shame. I started this site originally as a blog in 2015 but after the "Bind-Trump" fiasco I knew the Pagan world needed this site more now than ever, causing me to relaunch with a full .com and contributors joining with me.

Racist says “Magic is not for white people”

What happens when an Ult-left brown supremacist sees a white Wiccan at the mall? She runs to her twitter account and rips white people for appropriating magic, and that’s just what this non-white-nazi going by the name Sanam did.

This tweet is making headlines but not just because of the blatant bigotry and ignorance of native European culture with its varied and well embedded magical societies that existed long before they even saw any other races, but the responses from her fellow Ult-left racist were just as ignorant and bigoted.  A black supremacist bearing the name “Feminist Witch,” whose username is LOLatWhiteFear…

This? This is not what I dreamed about.

…She decides to give it to Sanam for emphasizing “brown” over “black”:

“So you felt the need to say brown first lol meanwhile all practices come from Africa. From black people. From my people.”

Who knew that every practice in the world came from Africa? Certainly not the Japanese, Iroquois, or the Celts, whose cultures arose simultaneously with any culture on the African continent.

The Mystery of why Stonehenge was built has been solved everyone

A self described bruja decided to jump on the oppression Olympics train as it was leaving the station and wrote she agreed with Sanam. She stated that watching her white friends mess around with Tarot cards made her uncomfortable.

“I need to be real with you. I have a few yt white friends who fuck with tarot and general witch things and it makes me UNCOMFORTABLE as a brujx.”

Oh you poor sad uneducated people. All of them keep using the word “Witch” and have no idea that THEY are the ones “culturally appropriating” it, as it is literally a word created by whites.

So while these racial supremacist ass hats do such a fabulous job of making everyone who is of a non-mainstream religion and a magical practitioner look like narcissistic SJW bigots, I feel that the public needs to know this Sanam person (I’m still not completely sold she’s a real woman) is less a magical practicing spiritualist, and more like Brown Hitler.

“I hate ze Caucasians… and ze Judens”

I’m not exaggerating. She really is a vile and loathsome person full of hate through and through, living in her own Ult-left echo chamber and enjoying her POC privilege to be racist and not be banned from Twitter for it. If you get the impression this is a slam piece, you’re absolutely right. No doubt the Ult-left will say I am trying to silence Sanam but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I want her voiced to never be silenced…. by her own hands in attempt to cover up the hate spewing from her finger tips. Let us begin.

Don’t you dare share facts with her… you’re a white demon so that makes them all lies.
Whites are sad people because they sunburn easily.
White people don’t research thing.
White girls are annoying because they drool
This just had to be done. You can’t rag on white people and say they all look old when you closely resemble an old white woman with failed plastic surgeries.
I don’t want any more white friends, I have too many.
I hate white women because their nipples are pink… and their tits are real.
White people are retarded
White people need to hire people based on skin color… and buy me food.
White trannies need to pay for my sex change and hormones.

This just goes on and on and on… and like all Ult-left, Sanam not only thinks all white people are racist but ONLY whites can be racist. She doesn’t hesitate to accuse other of it at the drop of a hat.

Who’s convinced they aren’t racist?

Sanam wants white people to leave their friends and family… and they are still scum in her eyes.

Your family is racist, dump ’em

Sanam even goes as far as to guilt white women into driving her to her abortions.

White women should bring me to get my abortions.

“But she isn’t deliberately planning abortions” you may argue… oh it gets better.

The sperm bank is open late tonight.

And after all this Sanam wonders why She’s not married…. and then tweets how useless men are.

Always a bride’s maid, never a bride.

So while this scourge of Twitter… and gender questioning males, gets tons of media attention as a “Witch” complaining about white people, she fails to demonstrate in all her endless anti-white rants any tangible hint of magic outside her rubbing a singing bowl to cleanse her twitter feed of “White demons”, let alone anything warranting Witchcraft.

Warner Bros. may have to pay $900 million if they can’t prove ghosts are real

The studio and filmmakers behind the successful “Conjuring” franchise are being sued by the author Gerald Brittle for $900 Million. Brittle wrote a book in 1980 called “The Demonologist.” which is based on a husband and wife team of world renown ghost hunters Ed and Lorraine Warren.

The three films in under the studio’s name grossed $886 Million at the global box office, and two more films are on the way. The movie franchise is a dramatization of the Warren’s case files.

Brittle claims that he had an exclusive agreement with Ed and Lorraine Warren that gave him exclusive and sole use of their case files for any works, books, movies, comics, so on.

Are we surprised that a pair of ghost hunters would ever sign such a contract?

Warner Brothers Pictures made its own deal with the Warrens, which lead to the production of “The Conjuring,” “The Conjuring 2,” and “Annabelle.” Brittle launched his lawsuit on the grounds their franchise violated his contract with the Warrens. Why he’s suing the studio instead of the Warrens who’s names are on the contract is anyone’s guess.

So in a slick lawyer’s play Warner Bros countered with the claim that the Conjuring movies weren’t based on Brittle’s book but instead are based on historical facts putting the Warren’s stories under common use laws. For those who don’t understand, No one can claim the rights to Lincoln’s assassination and anyone can make any story they want based on that event. But a person can not write a story about a man escaping prison by digging a hole through a wall with a jeweler’s hammer and hiding it behind a poster, because that entire story was created by an author and anyone else who uses that is deriving from their work.

Brittle says that can’t be possible because he (and other skeptics) have concluded that the Warrens’ case files about paranormal and supernatural activity are complete fabrications. This puts the studio between a rock and a hard place as they now have two options. Hand over $900 Million dollars or prove in a court of law that ghost are in fact real.

Wicca, A Pro-Life Religion

Contrary to the portrayal of Wicca as a pro-abortion religion by both christians and atheist liberals, Wicca is really a Pro-life religion.

Wicca teaches that all things are sacred, that all things have a spirit and that all that is of Mother Earth deserves our protection and preservation. The Witch’s Rede states “These 13 words reside forever under the Gods will, An harm ye none, Less be it to preserve, do what thou will.”

The Air that bird and insects fly in, who’s freedom and right to live is something we value as important. And for that we fight to keep the air clean so they may live.







The Water that fish swim in, who’s freedom and right to live is something we value as important. And for that we right to keep our water clean so they may live.







The fire that destroys the dead overgrowth of forest to make way for new vegetation to grow and create better habitats for animals who’s freedom and right to live will be better sustained. And for this the fight to tame fire is something we value as important so it works for good instead of destruction. the same fire we use to cook with and warm our homes, to keep ourselves and those animal friends who share our dwellings with us, alive and living free.







The Earth below us, ever constant yet changing. It too is sacred as it gives home to all creatures. Creatures who’s freedom and right to live is something we value as important. And for this we fight to keep the Earth clean so they may live.







All things are divine from the birds, to insects, from fish to land creatures. The elements are too divine as we hold them sacred for all things have the spirit of the Great Lady and Lord, Goddess and God. They inhabit all things just as we are a part of them.







So be it known that none may call themselves “Wiccan” and not recognize the sanctity and divinity of an unborn baby. Since we all born, die and reborn, we know that life is not something that just begins, life is something that was always there. Life is there before conception. A baby in the womb is the very embodiment of the Goddess, the living effigy of her promise of new life.










The very cauldron on our Altars is to remind us of the sanctity of not just the womb, but of what it carries… we pray to this and yet it is a mere symbol, a representation of the real thing… And to call it anything less is to spit in her eyes.










It is our holy charge to be the caretakers of not just what is sacred, but for that which can not take care of itself… that which is most vulnerable to negative actions of others through ill will or ignorance. To protect the life the Goddess creates is the very embodiment of the God. And to find any reason to justify otherwise is to spit in his eyes.

Abortion ends a life, and to trivialize life is as far from Wicca as one can get. It goes against everything the Rede and all teachings of the divine give.