All posts by Ahroun Nosfadry

I am the founder of the Unapologetic Pagan. I formulated the idea of the "Unapologetic Pagan" when I began noticing a festering movement in the Pagan community, a lurking agenda that sought to undermine the entire community. Something I couldn't put my finger on until one day I heard a quote "We were so busy fighting about what liberties the right was going to take from us that we never saw the monster growing on the left." That's when I took a step back and realized that since the turn of the century we have gone from a community that just won our religious freedom and validity... to a community being taken over by liberal atheist who want it to be just another label in their identity politics. I see a complete white-washing of historical Pagan philosophies into leftist SJW ideology. An unwritten doctrine that dictates anyone who calls themselves a "Pagan" must put leftist fundamentalism first. I knew I needed to take a stand. Someone needed to push back and not allow Paganism to just become another word synonymous with "Liberal lunatics". That someone had to let others like me know they are not alone and that together we can reclaim our faiths and stand together without shame. I started this site originally as a blog in 2015 but after the "Bind-Trump" fiasco I knew the Pagan world needed this site more now than ever, causing me to relaunch with a full .com and contributors joining with me.

Gallows Hill gets a memorial

Not too long ago we did a report on the discovery of the true Gallows Hill in Salem Massachusetts. The legendary site that many practicioners of witchcraft hold as sacred has long been steeped in mystery as to its true location. Due to the misnomer “Gallows Hill” by Nathaniel Hawthorne “the hanging judge”, a small hill just on the skirts of Salem was named Gallows Hill. But there was no evidence to prove that it ever actually was and today just stands as a base for a water tower and a playground and it’s foot.

Archaeologists and historians worked together to finally pinpoint the true location which was known as Proctor’s ledge.

Disguised by trees and a neighborhood it does not seem like much of a hill. But historical landmarks were used to successfully triangulate its location. A memorial commemorating the site was completed this summer.

Golden Dawn leaders discuss their sacrifice to magically protect Donald Trump

Anyone who understands magic, taking the fall for another’s curse comes with a heavy price. But taking on the hate-fill evil hurled from all the communist who have invaded the Pagan community world wide no doubt is a suicide mission. But the world’s history is filled with heroic people who entered battle grounds of impossible odds ready to die to do what’s right, and that is what the members of the Golden Dawn did… and it cost them dearly. And just as anti-American communist laugh and mock soldiers who have given life and limbs to protect our nation, so have the communist in the Pagan community mocked these Magical warriors for their losses in doing what they can to spiritually protect our nation.

The chiefs of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, outer order of the Rosicrucian Academy of Alpha et Omega lost their dog, their car and nearly their lives after working magic to protect US President Donald Trump.  

Imperator David Griffin and his wife Leslie McQuade were furious at those in the Pagan community who have been working magic to hex Trump. Writing in his blog, Griffin said:

“The issue here is not whether or not you agree with the politics and policies of Donald Trump. The real question is whether or not a gaggle of Communist leaning magicians and witches should be permitted to topple a duly elected President of the United States or bind and curse the American people who voted for him.”

Griffin said that these “magical terrorists” were “subverting the will of the American people” and seeking to “topple our Republic” by striking in synchronized rituals month after month, just before Black Moon when the energies of darkness and evil are at their most powerful. The series of rituals was to reach its crescendo on the Summer Solstice.

He said that unfortunately, the Secret Service does not yet have a magical arm, so him and his wife. Leslie McQuade stepped up to the plate to neutralize the magical threat to the First Family.

But he said that due to media hype, he and his wife were badly outnumbered. Especially as those who did answer his call were mostly untrained in battle magic.

“Sure, we managed to pull together a rag tag magical defense at the drop of a hat, but our situation this past winter looked as hopeless as Washington’s army faced at Valley Forge,” he said.

Griffin said that the only way to defeat the attacks would be extremely risky for Leslie and himself. He took personal responsibility for the magical protection of President Trump and McQuade did for Melania Trump.

They then used a simple technique drawn from “High Battle Magic” to draw all of the binding and curse energy hurled at the First Family to take it on themselves.

“Leslie and I created magical lightning rods to attract the curse and binding energy, effectively transforming ourselves into living “Poppets” (magical body doubles) for the POTUS and First Lady, drawing the energy of the attacks from the First Family onto Leslie and myself instead, where we could safely neutralize the energy on our magical defenses here at Isis Temple.”

This had a tragic spin off effect. On Independence Day, Griffin was involved in a car crash in the desert which totaled his car, while Leslie McQuade nearly lost her life when hiking on Shadow Mountain with her dog Redd Dogg. The dog injured its paw and could not walk, and McQuade’s suffered from heat stroke as she tried to carry him down the mountain. Redd Dogg had to be abandoned and left to die.

“That rite nearly destroyed us! It was a terrible magical idea, but at the time it was the only effective option we had left to protect our First Family and Republic in the face of such massive, raw, carefully orchestrated evil,” said Griffin.

“And although our Commander in Chief will never read this, I end today with the words from an unknown LVX light-warrior from the front of a magical war our POTUS will never even know exists,” he wrote.

Article source

What is Paganism?

There’s an old saying among pagans. “All Wiccans are Pagans, but not all Pagans are Wiccans.” It’s time we adopt a new saying. “All Pagan religions are non-Christian, but not all non-Christian religions are Pagan.”

For a very long time neo-Pagans have referred to Paganism as an umbrella term, That is to say that Paganism covers a wide range of religions. This is a very loose definition of the term that has been used by neo-Pagans to basically classify any religion that is a non-Christian religion as a Pagan one for so long that it’s just plain accepted at face value. Even Google list it as such “Other than one of the main world religions” but that translates to just “non-Christian” when you take into account that Pagans almost exclusively focus on Christianity for its oppression and not only turn a blind eye to Islam for its oppression, but even defend it.

This loose definition includes Native American, Universal Unitarian, voodoo, satanism, Santeria and many other religions. There’s even a rise of people claiming to be “Pagan Atheist” if you can believe such nonsense.

The true meaning of the word Pagan is “Country Folk”. The term was used by the Roman Christian churches of ancient Europe to describe the native people of Europe. So when they referred to a religion as “Pagan” they were specifically referring to the native religions of the European people. Likewise when the church referred to native Scandinavians they called them “Heathens”. And today many Scandinavian religions are called Heathen religions because Pagan refers to the south-western Europe region. Both terms came to be used as derogatory terms by the church to diminish and stigmatize the old religions. But this reasoning is lost when neo-Pagans wrap, say Native American religions, in a cloak of Paganism. Are they not simultaneously committing an act of colonialism while diminishing the old religions of Europe even further… effectively harming them just as the invading Christians did?

Today neo-Pagans have taken the term to include non-European religions of Africa, Native Americans, aboriginal Australians, Taoism, Buddhism and many others. But by classifying Paganism as to mean any religion that is non-Christian (excuse me, non-main world religion), is to classify Paganism to be specifically an anti-Christian Collective. This is an abuse of the term that both vilifies Paganism as well as Waters it down to a meaningless synonym for “diversity”. When Pagans refer to Native American religions, for example, as “Pagan” they are committing cultural appropriation in the name of the cultural Marxism that has invaded Paganism.

This has also opened the door for black supremacist to claim not only are African religions Pagan, but that they are the true Pagans. Pagans which ancient Europeans culturally appropriated, and in turn let them classify All European Paganism as the result of white supremacy.

The true definition of Paganism needs to be reclaimed with a more clear definition to use in these modern times of identity politics. Now when someone asks me what is a Pagan, I respond:

“A Pagan is a person who follows any of the Native European religions or contemporary religions derived from them.”

If this definition gets propagated throughout the community we could take back Paganism from the cultural Marxist that have worked to make Paganism little more than a club for anti-christian liberals seeking to pad their intersectional oppression resume.

Gloucester witches are being persecuted, but there’s a deeper component.

The staff at Spellbound say they have received death threats

Toni Hunt center with Emily Parker left and Bobbi Jo-right

Witches who run an occult shop in the shadow of a famous Cathedral claim they are victims of a hate campaign and say the police are doing nothing about it.

“I have reported such incidents on numerous occasions but when the police arrive they tell me that people are just expressing opinions,” she said. If we were members any other religion or group it would be treated as hate crime and dealt with appropriately.”

By “Any other religion or group” she would be referring to the massive influx of Muslims into the UK who have been given special religious protections by authorities to the point that even discussing rapist who is a Muslim can land one in prison for a hate crime.

Toni Hunt and her staff at ‘Spellbound’ in College Green, Gloucester, say they have been called terrorists and devil worshippers and have received death threats. According to them no matter how many of these incidents they have reported, the police just blow it off because of their beliefs. While this is a real problem, there’s an underlying problem that shows how the Witch community made matters worse.

Ms. Hunt says they have been targeted for abuse for about two years, This is normal for any Witch shop, but she says things got worse in recent months when they received a threat to burn down the premises – with the staff still inside. This surge in hate and aggression towards the shop seems to coincide with the #BindTrump event four months ago where a group of liberals hijacked Wicca for a despicable public hexing of President Trump which was nothing but another method of public protest at the expense of the entire Pagan community. This single act set back Pagan public relations 30 years by vindicating the christian extremist’s claim that we are all evil devil worshippers of the Ult-left because it was a religious attack on a leader they view as a champion of their religion. And while most UK conservatives are not too concerned with Trump as a president, Christians all over the world were abuzz with the news that Witches were casting spells against a president and it was viewed as pure unadulterated persecution.


Ms. Hunt continues

“Persecution of witches did not end centuries ago – it is still very prominent in the 21st century and we are being subjected to it regularly. We have been called all sorts – Black Magic Badger Killers, Spawn of Satan and in the same league as ISIS.”

It should also be stated that part of the intent of #BindTrump was to also bind him from issuing military orders needed to protect the country. The only reason one would support this is because they sympathize with the enemy. So it is only a logical step that an association with ISIS would quickly form. While we fully agree what is happening to these women is wrong, we must not ignore that actions have consequences. In no way are we stating that these women had any involvement with #BindTrump, but this is no doubt a problem made worse by the narcissistic and selfish act of a vocal minority abusing Paganism for political gain.

Greek Goddess Statue Torn Down After Islamic Outcry

Bangladesh workers tore down a statue of the Greek Goddess Themis in the country’s Supreme Court complex to appease sharia law.

Muslims demanded that the statue of the goddess of justice be torn down by Friday, staying it “hurt the religious sentiments of Muslims.”

After mass protests during which protesters reportedly shouted “Douse the smouldering fire in the hearts of the Muslims or otherwise the fire will soon catch you,”

Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina agreed to remove the six-month-old statue. Workers subsequently got to work yesterday dismantling it.

Do we see any similarities here? A historic statue gets is erected and A-holes who are offended by it scream, cry, protest and threaten until the cucks in office give in and remove the statue in the dead of night as to be as quiet and discrete about it as possible hoping no one will notice. Just this month four confederate statues were removed in Louisiana in the same manner. Angry intolerant and ignorant groups find offense with historical art and demand they be torn down by throwing temper tantrums, and the weak government officials give them their way… and then they just move on to the next thing they find offensive and will not stop until they have banned and removed everything in the world that isn’t their own ideology.

The removal of the statue was seen as a victory for the Hefazat muslims, who have already stated their goal is to have all offending art removed from the entire country that represent humans and/or animals. They also demand all art classes in schools that allow students to draw people be banned.

The statue’s sculptor Mrinal Haque understandably saw the decision as a major loss. No doubt not just a loss to the art world, but to freedom in general. “This is an alarming signal for our country,” Haque said according to The New York Times, adding that it was a “defeat for the freedom-loving, secular people of the country. We all have to stand against this fundamentalist movement.”

 Chock this up to be just another example of why the Pagan community needs to smarten up and stop acting like Islam is an oppressed religion. Stop defending it, Stop pandering to it.

Europe was the birthplace of mankind, not Africa, scientists find


The history of human evolution has been rewritten after scientists discovered that Europe was the birthplace of mankind, not Africa.

Currently, most experts believe that our human lineage split from apes around seven million years ago in central Africa, where hominids remained for the next five million years before venturing further afield.

But two fossils of an ape-like creature which had human-like teeth have been found in Bulgaria and Greece, dating to 7.2 million years ago.

The discovery of the creature, named Graecopithecus freybergi, and nicknameded ‘El Graeco’ by scientists, proves our ancestors were already starting to evolve in Europe 200,000 years before the earliest African hominid.

An international team of researchers say the findings entirely change the beginning of human history and place the last common ancestor of both chimpanzees and humans – the so-called Missing Link – in the Mediterranean region.

At that time climate change had turned Eastern Europe into an open savannah which forced apes to find new food sources, sparking a shift towards bipedalism, the researchers believe.

“This study changes the ideas related to the knowledge about the time and the place of the first steps of the humankind,” said Professor Nikolai Spassov from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

“Graecopithecus is not an ape. He is a member of the tribe of hominins and the direct ancestor of homo.

“The food of the Graecopithecus was related to the rather dry and hard savannah vegetation, unlike that of the recent great apes which are living in forests.  Therefore, like humans, he has wide molars and thick enamel.

“To some extent this is a newly discovered missing link. But missing links will always exist , because evolution is infinite chain of subsequent forms. Probably  El Graeco’s face will resemble a great ape, with shorter canines.”

The team analysed the two known specimens of Graecopithecus freybergi: a lower jaw from Greece and an upper premolar tooth from Bulgaria.

Using computer tomography, they were able to visualise the internal structures of the fossils and show that the roots of premolars are widely fused.

“While great apes typically have two or three separate and diverging roots, the roots of Graecopithecus converge and are partially fused – a feature that is characteristic of modern humans, early humans and several pre-humans,”, said lead researcher Professor Madelaine Böhme of the University of Tübingen.

The lower jaw, has additional dental root features, suggesting that the species was a hominid.

The species was also found to be several hundred thousand years older than the oldest African hominid, Sahelanthropus tchadensis which was found in Chad.

“We were surprised by our results, as pre-humans were previously known only from sub-Saharan Africa,” said doctoral student Jochen Fuss, a Tübingen PhD student who conducted this part of the study.

Professor David Begun, a University of Toronto paleoanthropologist and co-author of this study, added: “This dating allows us to move the human-chimpanzee split into the Mediterranean area.”

During the period the Mediterranean Sea went through frequent periods of drying up completely, forming a land bridge between Europe and Africa and allowing apes and early hominids to pass between the continents.

The team believe that evolution of hominids may have been driven by dramatic environmental changes which sparked the formation of the North African Sahara more than seven million years ago and pushed species further North.

They found large amounts of Saharan sand in layers dating from the period, suggesting that it lay much further North than today.

Professor Böhme added: “Our findings may eventually change our ideas about the origin of humanity. I personally don’t think that the descendants of Graecopithecus die out, they may have spread to Africa later. The split of chimps and humans was a single event. Our data support the view that this split was happening in the eastern Mediterranean – not in Africa.

“If accepted, this theory will indeed alter the very beginning of human history.”

However some experts were more skeptical about the findings.

Retired anthropologist and author Dr Peter Andrews, formerly at the Natural History Museum in London, said: “It is possible that the human lineage originated in Europe, but very substantial fossil evidence places the origin in Africa, including several partial skeletons and skulls.

“I would be hesitant about using a single character from an isolated fossil to set against the evidence from Africa.”

The new research was published in the journal PLOS One.

7 Lies Pagans Need to Stop Teaching Girls About Sex

1. “Heteronormative” is a bad thing.

It’s OK to be for women to be lesbians. Shoot, in today’s society about a third of girls are reporting to be bisexual to some degree. But girls are being taught by regressive liberals in the Pagan communities that being only attracted to men is shameful and offensive. Public displays of affection by women towards men are more and more being labeled with the new word “Heteronormative” in a derogatory manner to shame young women. They need to be taught that there is nothing wrong with being attracted to men. It is in their nature after all.

2.  Virginity doesn’t exist.

It’s really hard to believe but there are many neo-Pagans preaching that virginity doesn’t exist simply because they don’t like definitions that imply a penis or anything heterosexual is involved. In reality the majority of Pagan religions place virginity on a pedestal. That whole “sacrificing virgins” business didn’t just poof out of thin air. The withholding of sex is used in many rituals to build up sexual energy, others for the purity.

3.  Some women are born with penises.

Children are born with a sexual identity and regressive liberal neo-Pagans want to take that identity away from them by confusing them with altered definitions of gender. In most cases gender confusion is due to the person being homosexual and are either in denial or were taught they were “A woman in a man’s body”. Biological sex IS gender identity, there’s no way around it no matter how hard progressives try. This is why when a man tried to become a woman he adopts all the things that make women… women. It is important to note that almost 50% of men who get a “Gender reassignment” surgeries commit suicide, a staggering rate. And around 40% of those who didn’t, live life regretting the surgery.

Trans women are men, period.

4. Promiscuity is sexual liberation

It’s no secret that a lot of Neo-Paganism came from the “free love” hippies, but real Paganism is ancient. And as much as regressives claim monogamy is the product of monotheistic religion, that’s a lie. Monogamy’s roots can be easily seen going back to Ancient Sumeria and beyond. The women sitting around Pagan gatherings openly living the swingers lifestyle are not actually expressing the sexual empowerment of our ancestors, but the sexual degeneracy of 1960’s feminism.

5. Waxing/shaving is about pleasing men.

Styles come and styles go. It’s a common myth that women removing body hair is the product of the hair removal industry, as women (and men) have been removing their body in prehistory times when they learned it was cleaner and by proxy, more attractive. The Romans and Egyptians practiced epilation, as well as ancient Asian cultures. Some of which were even regarded as sacred rituals. Girls today though are taught by regressives that the only reason any women would care about her body hair is to feed men’s beauty standards.  While it is true that most men find body hair unattractive, it is even more true that most women wax/shave because they like how they look and feel from it. Many women find it gives them a sense of pride, confidence and a positive self image. Grooming is something that should always be encouraged, telling them they shouldn’t because it’s self degrading gives them a poor self image and outlook of the world. It’s also slightly hypocritical to see neo-Pagan woman at gatherings running around with hair armpits and legs because they want to make a statement “This is the way nature intended” while simultaneously having purple hair on their head.

6. Abortion is normal.

Regressive liberal neo-Pagans have been doing their damnedest to push the notion that abortions are a Pagan value. This is not just a gross lie, it’s dangerous at that. All Pagan religions across the globe and throughout history revere the baby in the womb as the utmost sacred of sacreds. Abortion goes against all of them. See our article Wicca, A Pro-Life Religion

7. Male Sexual attraction is sexual objectification.

Regressives have been teaching girls that any attention they get from boys is because they are viewed as a sex object… and this has spilled into the Pagan community. It is based on two false narratives: That men are incapable of finding women sexy and think of them as  people too. And that only men look at someone in sexual manners. Both of which build unhealthy expectations in young women and cause them to view themselves as “A piece of meat” any time a boy smiles at them. Girls need to be taught that everyone views what they find sexually appealing, in a sexual manner. And that in no way means they can’t be viewed as a person too.


Asatru Folk Assembly banned from Facebook for believing in biological sex and race

Yesterday the Asatru Folk Assembly was wrongfully banned for “offensive behavior” on Facebook.  The AFA is one of the best known folkish Heathen groups in the U.S., which takes a traditional stance on Nordic paganism. They believe that Asatru, the modern revival of a magickal Heathenry, is the native spirituality of the Northern European people and one that norther Europeans should return to. And like almost every Pagan religion of old, they believe in biological gender.

But what was their crime? What was so bad that they needed to be silenced? Did they threaten anyone? Did they rape any women? Did they advocate genocide? Did they throw gays off of roofs? Did they promote the abuse of children? Were they associated with NAMBLA? Did they slash the tires on a black woman’s car and call her a “Coon”?

Nope, all that stuff was done by Islam and Antifa. The AFA’s crime was not being ashamed of their race or the genders they were born with.

That’s it. That’s all it takes in today’s world To be silenced, to be punished,  and with the direction legislation is going in the US, Canada and Europe… to be imprisoned.

It’s now a crime to believe gender is not a spectrum. The gender Spectrum theory was invented in only the last couple decades and is not based in any historical or paleolithic evidence. There’s just simply no evidence to prove that ancient Europeans believed gender wasn’t binary. People have a right to disagree with this all they want but when a group is punished simply for stating a fact, we have a serious problem.

And the hypocrisy of Facebook runs deep when just a few years ago the Pagan community tried to have Pages removed that were calling for the mass murder of witches and wiccans by an African Baptist Church. Facebook refused to remove the pages because the church was African and removing their pages or even flagging them for violence would have been an act of racism. Also Facebook has never removed a page or group belonging to blacklivesmatter despite them openly calling for white genocide and preaching that white people are not even human.

I remember when I used to think people who said “The only people it’s legal to oppress are straight white males” were just idiots. But seeing examples like this makes one have to question everything they were taught about “White supremacist”.

The definition of racism is disliking someone because of their biological ethnic heritage. Yet this group gets called racist not because they dislike other races, but because they don’t hate their own. This is because Marxist have worked hard for decades to brainwash the public to believe white people are evil, racist nazis and anyone who doesn’t agree with that… is a white supremacist. And this extends to even non-white people.